running in speakers, one for dan1979 or anyone else who would know


New member
Feb 28, 2010
Hey all, after some hard saving my M/A RX6s are finally on their way, i should have them in a week and cant wait [🙂] So i was wondering whether anyone could tell me how i should go about running them in, i listen too my music fairly loud at times and know that i cant push the speakers too hard until they are fully run in. My questions are, what is an appropriate volume to have them at when i first get them wired up? (I know thats a fairly hard one too answer thats why i was hoping dan could tell me what position on the volume would be appropriate with a certain song as he has the same amp and speakers i have). and just are there any do's and dont's i should know about?

Thanks guys, Josh
Just use them. You can push them as hard as you like straight from the box, and the more you use them the better they'll sound...
and what a sound
maxflinn:and what a sound

I'm like a little kid waiting for christmas atm Max lol, if you heard how bad these Bose are you would know why. Once i get them i'll let you all know how i go with them.
you will know you have a real quality product on your hands when you start unpacking them , beautifully made objects , really classy , some say the plinths look a bit ungainly , but they stabilise the speakers so well , handy if youve got dogs or kids , each spike is adjustable too , and then theres the sound , sublime
... i look forward to your own opinions in a few weeks
as andrew says just use them..

They are fantastic speakers, worth every penny enjoy
I'm sure they will sound decent enough out of the box, especially in comparison to the Bose you currently have, but don't be discouraged if they aren't quite up to expectations. Some speakers can sound dramatically different (better) once run in from how they sound new.
I rather like this take on Roth's website:
Dan Turner:I'm sure they will sound decent enough out of the box, especially in comparison to the Bose you currently have, but don't be discouraged if they aren't quite up to expectations. Some speakers can sound dramatically different (better) once run in from how they sound new.

Hi Dan, thanks for the advice. I'm pretty sure they will be up to my expectations i had a listen too the Q Accoustics 2050 A few weeks ago and i thought they were superb compared too what i have. I just noticed you have Atlas Hyper 2.0 Speaker cable, was wondering do you think it would gel well with my system?
Sizzers:I rather like this take on Roth's website:

Very interesting Sizzers, i'm sure with my last set of speakers though, after run in they sounded more controlled and open.
Sorry for delayed reply; had a busy weekend!

Yes just use them; I did and they do sound superb out of the box but oh boy; just wait till they've got a good few weeks through them

I used mine a lot; working from home they're on most of the day but when I first got them I made sure that I didnt drive them too hard, volume never past 9 o'clock on the amp.

Even in my front room now though which is fairly big; with the volume at 10 o'clock theyre damned loud and really rattle the house
Hey all, after some hard saving my M/A RX6s are finally on their way, i should have them in a week and cant wait
So i was wondering whether anyone could tell me how i should go about running them in, i listen too my music fairly loud at times and know that i cant push the speakers too hard until they are fully run in. My questions are, what is an appropriate volume to have them at when i first get them wired up? (I know thats a fairly hard one too answer thats why i was hoping dan could tell me what position on the volume would be appropriate with a certain song as he has the same amp and speakers i have). and just are there any do's and dont's i should know about?

Thanks guys, Josh

as the others have said but also, while you are at work, play the radio (via Sky or freeview maybe) really low (volume is not an issue when running in.).
Josh, you're in for a treat. I suspect you will be blown away. You are making a giant leap in sound quality from those bose speakers. And don't worry much about run-in. Just use them. If they don't sound amazing day 1, spend some time trying different speaker positions. Proximity to room boundaries makes a very big difference. Also toe in versus no toe in can be significant. Not to mention room furnishings. An area rug can do wonders for a space with too many hard surfaces. Good luck and nice choice!
A week can feel like a lifetime when you're anticipating the arrival of new kit
Once you're good to go, rediscover your music collection. That's the most enjoyable way to run in new speakers. You'll put more hours on 'em than the manufacturer recommends before you know it.

As has already been stated; you shouldn't worry about playing music at reasonably loud volumes, even when your speakers are box fresh. I never tickled my RX6's when I first fired 'em up.

The C355BEE and RX6 go hand in glove, so you should be a happy chappy. Enjoy!
Gerrardasnails:as the others have said but also, while you are at work, play the radio (via Sky or freeview maybe) really low (volume is not an issue when running in.).

It must be, up to a point; speaker run-in, if it's necessary at all, is primarily to loosen up the woofer cone, you can't do that if the volume's off, as the speaker won't be moving at all.

That's assuming it makes any difference, obviously.
Dan Turner:I'm sure they will sound decent enough out of the box, especially in comparison to the Bose you currently have, but don't be discouraged if they aren't quite up to expectations. Some speakers can sound dramatically different (better) once run in from how they sound new.

Hi Dan, thanks for the advice. I'm pretty sure they will be up to my expectations i had a listen too the Q Accoustics 2050 A few weeks ago and i thought they were superb compared too what i have. I just noticed you have Atlas Hyper 2.0 Speaker cable, was wondering do you think it would gel well with my system?

Hi Josh - sorry to take so long to get back to you, I was away for a couple of days.

I'm afraid I'm not sure because I don't have any experience of your kit. My dealer recommended the Atlas cables for me and they were a great improvement, but I don't know how the characteristics of Naim and Nad amps compare. I do know that PMC (as I had at the time) and Monitor Audio speakers are quite different, the latter being much brighter in balance.

I think the best thing is to try the Atlas cables. If you find a decent dealer they should be able to lend you a set to try.



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