Roksan Kandy K2 for rock?


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Oct 21, 2008
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Are the Roksan Kandy K2 amp. and cdp good for rock? I like a warmer sound without harsness or bright treble. Speakers i'm looking at are KEF XQ 40, Tannoy DC6T and Spendor A6.

Frank Harvey

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Jun 27, 2008
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Can't help feeling this has been covered recently already.......but here goes.

As good as the Spendors are, they're not exactly rock speakers. They're the smoothest speakers around, so tend to need lively amplification to inject a bit of energy into them - something like Cyrus. The Tannoys I can't comment on, but we will have a few on demonstration over the next couple of weeks. The XQ40's should work ok with the K2, but also try the Naim Nait 5i.

If you like a smoother, warmer sound, you may well prefer the Spendors, but whenever I listen to rock, it just doesn't sound right to me if there's not an 'edge' to it. It's like the opposite of hearing some nice relaxing classical music on an energetic, bright/harsh sounding system - not quite right. The Arcam A18 is also worth a look if you like smoother tones, but partnered with the Spendors will be too smooth for many.

In some ways there's no right or wrong, only personal preferences. A demo is therefore recommended.


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Oct 21, 2008
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Thanks for your answer. Than will be the unison unico primo amp. with the cdp also not suitable for rock, but more for jazz and classical? It looks great.


peterpan:Thanks for your answer. Than will be the unison unico primo amp. with the cdp also not suitable for rock, but more for jazz and classical? It looks great.
The problem is that it all depends on your expectation.

the record spot

Must admit, the kind of speakers I like are good all rounders rather than good for one specific genre. However, rock and hi-fi don't often get mentioned in the same breath, so I can understand if speaker manufacturers look to concentrate on jazz or classical.

Frank Harvey

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Jun 27, 2008
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the record spot:Must admit, the kind of speakers I like are good all rounders rather than good for one specific genre. This is why our favourite speaker at the moment are the ATC's, along with Proac.


what electronics are you using now with them to say that? (just to know)


I went to my local hi fi emporium with the intension of buying me a kandy k2 as ive been hugly empressed by my Kandy 3 CD player, And after listening to a bit of Nora Jones and Dave Brubeck i was smitten.....thing is when i stuck in some deep purple it was to be quite honest boring, Just didnt rock and roll and it has a silly volume knob.

Fenton Beasley

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Dec 4, 2008
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garethwd:I went to my local hi fi emporium with the intension of buying me a kandy k2 as ive been hugly empressed by my Kandy 3 CD player, And after listening to a bit of Nora Jones and Dave Brubeck i was smitten.....thing is when i stuck in some deep purple it was to be quite honest boring, Just didnt rock and roll and it has a silly volume knob.

I think that proves that you should listen before you buy. I love the sound of my Kandy K2 with all my Deep Purple records and CD's. I find it has plenty of slam and weight with no distortion. Lots of detail there too.

My Favourite Purple track at the moment is Lazy from Made in Japan. Only when the Mrs is out though.


Could just be that Quads speakers are a bad match i spose...Made in japan what a great LP mmmm ive had finger hernia's try to play air geeetar to child in time of that one ;)


Yes. Time to take an armload of your favourite CDs down to your local store, and listen to the Spendors with the amps you mention, but also try with Naim which are said to match ÿSpendors particularly well.ÿ

If you still can't find what you're looking for, try the ÿTannoys with the same amps, then perhaps MA or Harbeth until you find the balance you want.

By the way, given that rock is such an all-encompassing genre, which artists do you like in particular?ÿ


peterpan:Older rock like Deep Purple and Nirvana. I'am a great fan of Hammerfall and Live.Also Metallica and so on.

You might find the Naim amps a good solution, then. ÿTry with the Spendors and the Tannoys plus the other speakers mentioned in the various posts. I can't comment on the Roksan, not having heard one.

Fenton Beasley

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Dec 4, 2008
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garethwd:Could just be that Quads speakers are a bad match i spose...Made in japan what a great LP mmmm ive had finger hernia's try to play air geeetar to child in time of that one ;)

It might be the Quads but it might be me. My taste in hi-fi could favour a warmer sounding slam than yours.

Vive le difference!

Yes, I love the man-in-black's solo on that one too


Well-known member
Just to provide a balance t some of the other posts I'm an out and out rock fan, more Young than Blackmore maybe but nonetheless I reckon the K2 is a pretty fine device for that type of music, though i do lsten to a it of classical and a lot of non rock, softer blues and soule etc. I fidn the isue is the quality of recorded CD - listen to the live at atlantic studios gig from the DC and convince me you cant hear a raw energeised band playing with master timing and impact? Stick Black Ice on it all goes zzzzz from an excitement point of view as its obvos the whole acoustic is processed and not natural. I have a set of "non rock!" spendors too and they go toegther ery well in my opinion. Depends on whether you want an *experience* or simply to know what and how it is being played....


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