roksan k2 replacement


New member
May 21, 2008
hi! i've recently updated my setup by replacing epos m12.2 with ProAc Response D2 standmounts along with Atacama HMS2 stands.

amp is roksan k2 integrated, source rega apollo cd player.

problemis that i want more detailed and less "boomy" sound, even after 50 or so hours (which ok, are quite a few for an amp burn -in time...) i can feel i like proac's big sound (more than the less bass"y" studio 110 i had tried before) but i want faster better control of the lows and more ethereal mids and his..

so i've picked up two choices and want you to help me decide.. (cannot test neither here where i livew) :

plinius 9100 and primare i30.

i know that plinius is great overall and of course higher price (+overall level) amp but have read a lot of reviews about what a perfect matching primare i30 makes with proac d2 (this and leben 600) .. so can you suggest which would be a better match for my proacs? i30 or 9100 ?and why?
I've heard the Primare with the Proac D2's and it was a a huge space. Even then, the bass was giving me a headache with its resonance which turned me away from the speakers.

I think the Roksan is more than capable of controlling the Proac's.

If you could describe the placement and room condition, maybe I can be helpful improving the sound without having to acquire a new amplifier.

Oh, and using a thinner cable, say around 16 gauge, will help reduce bass as well.
room (temporarily, soon to move!) is only 3.5x3.5 metres so you easily imagine how they are placed (thank god their bass reflex port is in front!) can you suggest some cable like the one you describe ?
i have auditioned primare i30 in the past but not with proacs nor can do so now 🙁 can someone who has heard them par to par with k2 tell me how can one describe different impressions they create?
indietronic: can you suggest some cable like the one you describe ?

Kimber 4PR or, though more costly, Kimber 4TC would be candidates. You could also try to stick some foam into the reflex ports, just play around a bit!
indietronic:room (temporarily, soon to move!) is only 3.5x3.5 metres so you easily imagine how they are placed (thank god their bass reflex port is in front!) can you suggest some cable like the one you describe ?

The D2's surely will get boomy in such a room, especially when they are positioned close to the wall despite the front reflex port.

Try to give them as much room as possible and angle them straight toward the listening position. Some room treatment would work as well. Also, be sure to fill the speaker stands if possible. Rigid and heavy stands are a must for the D2's. Let us know how it sounds after such adjustments.

Any of the budget cables that don't exceed 16 gauges would do. Chord Carnival and QED Silver Anniversary come to mind. Better yet, Proac makes their own speaker cable which I've found to be extremely good. But get on with the speaker placement and stand filling, first. It might fix your problem without having to shell out more money.
batonwielder:Oh, and using a thinner cable, say around 16 gauge, will help reduce bass as well.
could you explain why

does the smaller diameter not let the bass notes through
amp recommendation for tonal neutrality ? i mean i've realised that k2 is a bit on the mid-low side, maybe some more neural amp will match it perfect... that's what i'm looking for (if something like this exists, at least for my case..)
one off:
batonwielder:Oh, and using a thinner cable, say around 16 gauge, will help reduce bass as well.
could you explain why

does the smaller diameter not let the bass notes through

From what I've experienced, it not exactly a matter of not letting any frequency through. If you were to compare the different gauges of the same exact cable, which can be done simply by doubling, it's just a matter of balance. Smaller gauges sound brighter in the treble with less pronounced bass whereas bigger gauges sound considerably louder in the bass thus giving an impression of being warmer. It's possible that the bigger gauges allow more current to travel, but not all were to my liking. In fact, for me, 16 gauge cables give cleaner presentation and balance. It all depends on your system, of course, and definitely worth experimenting.
indietronic:problemis that i want more detailed and less "boomy" sound, even after 50 or so hours (which ok, are quite a few for an amp burn -in time...) i can feel i like proac's big sound (more than the less bass"y" studio 110 i had tried before) but i want faster better control of the lows and more ethereal mids and his..

Sounds like the problem might be the speakers rather than the amp. Why don't you try something from Epos?

Oh, hang on...


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