Roksan Caspian Bi Amping


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Jan 10, 2011
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I saw last week that Roksan will be releasing a power amp to go in the Caspian range.

I have spoken with two retailers who gave me two very different opinions the first saying it would improve the sound quality and give more space within the listening field, the other said it wouldn't really change much in any area and also advised to factor in a second run of speaker cables into my budget (this is a Roksan dealer).

In due course I will be demoing the power amp and see what I decide and have already been offered a home demo if I was sufficiently interested.

I was wondering if anyone could enlighten me on the pro's and con's of biamping as it is not something I have done before and would appreciate the thoughts of anyone with knowledge /experience of this set up.

If anyone has heard the Caspian set up with the new power amp that would be a bonus, I am aware the original Caspian had a power amp component and this would also be a useful comparison to know what differences could be expected.

Thanks again to all for any input.


I am not sure if the power amp has been released just yet. I have just purchased the caspian integrated amp, CD and FR5 speakers. When listening to these I put a Kandy power amp into the system and the difference was immediately evident as the bass was much heavier and better controlled. I will be getting the power amp next year without any doubt.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2011
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I know it is available now but waiting to hear one to see what the difference is , I think it will be a while before demo stock gets out there.

Two retailers I have spoken to weren't saying when they would be getting dem models.

But I like what you are saying if that is the effect with the Kandy power amp.

For the amount of outlay which is about £1200 I would want quite a step up in performance not that I feel I am lacking much at present but a shiny new box is always tempting.