Reviews of Projector screens?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Specifically electric screens. I am looking for a 2m(ish) wide electric screen. The problem is I have no idea where to start. I am going to have some work done on my ceiling and am looking at what screen I could get fitted into it? Any help appreciated.
Do you have a budget as they range from next to nothing to over 1k. The very best ones from what i have read are Stewarts Screen's and Black Diamond Screens but these would be very expensive.

I am sure there are more qualified people than me on here who know alot more though.

I think it would help a lot if WhatHifi could make a review of some Projector screens. Maybe not on regular basis but e.g. twice a year. I am sure this will increase also the interest in projectors too
I am very tempted in buying a projector but as I am not sure how much I should spend for a good screen and which screen (type, brand etc) then I hesitate (not the only reason I hesitate but one of them)
Dennis Michos:I think it would help a lot if WhatHifi could make a review of some Projector screens. Maybe not on regular basis but e.g. twice a year. I am sure this will increase also the interest in projectors too

Twice a year? I'm not sure the projector screen market evolves often enough for that to be necessary.
OK I didn't know that but if you look in most shops there are some 100 screens.....which of them are the best value for money?
Is there a huge difference between a 500 pounds and a 1000 pounds screen?
Does it make sense to have a screen which costs as much as the projector? What is the best compromize?
I think people know much about which projector to buy but have no idea which screen to buy (me included)

Dennis Michos:OK I didn't know that but if you look in most shops there are some 100 screens.....which of them are the best value for money?

What shops are you looking in? I don't think I've ever seen a home cinema projector screen in a shop.

I think your best option is to go to a specialist hi-fi dealer (one that sells screens) and ask them what they usually recommend for any given projector.
Most shops indeed they have no idea which one to reccomend to you and they try to sell the brand they have (if any)
I just tried to find some online stores and I saw (NO INTENTION TO MAKE ANY PROMOTION TO THE SHOP OR OTHER). Correct me if wrong but this shop has thousands of screens!!!! I was completely lost!!!!
It is easier for me to choose a good TV or projector than to choose a screen!!!
Of course depends on the size and the manual/electric option but then they start with screen surface (several types), with or without frame etc and there if you don't really know the differences you are lost!
Maybe I am wrong but a help from some experts like WhatHiFi would help to identify which types are the best and how to choose a screen based on our needs
Dennis Michos:Most shops indeed they have no idea which one to reccomend to you and they try to sell the brand they have (if any)

I was thinking along the lines of specialist hi-fi/home cinema dealers that offer professional installation, they should certainly know what they're talking about.

I just tried to find some online stores and I saw (NO INTENTION TO MAKE ANY PROMOTION TO THE SHOP OR OTHER). Correct me if wrong but this shop has thousands of screens!!!! I was completely lost!!!!

Ah, now, you see, that's what I call a website. A shop is something I go to down the high street (or any street in fact). I'd never buy anything like this from a website, personally.
I'd start by deciding on a budget and screensize. After that a quick way to throw out about half of the options is to decide which color fabric you want. White or grey. Your choice will depend on your choice of projector and the viewing conditions.

White is the default choice but grey can work to fix certain problems. For instance, if you're going to be watching with lots of ambient light grey can help black levels. You will need a projector with plenty of lumens to compensate for the dark screen though.

Something else to consider, where will you be putting your center speaker? Keep in mind that there are "acoustically transparant" screens that allow for a speaker behind the screen.

I went with screenpaint btw (grey), works a treat!


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