Repair or upgrade

Pete Shields

Well-known member
Sep 23, 2008
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My trusty multiregion Pioneer 737 DVD player is currently struggling to read all of the DVDs I throw at it.

Do you think it's worth a repair or should I spend my hard earned on something new?

I realise that technology moves on, but the 737 is such a solid classy machine.

I haven't had a quote for it's repair yet,

Any suggestions, and any suggestions on which modern DVD player would be comparable to the 737




It is a top class player, but see if you can borrow a Pioneer DVLX50 to see how that performs. If my 737 ever gives out, I'm going to give that a try.

Pete Shields

Well-known member
Sep 23, 2008
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I think I'll go for the repair option. I have always been pleased with the quality of it's output and it's such a solid player with a great remote.

I gather because disks are skipping and some are not picking up, that it's a laser issue.

On my trusty PS2's these were always replaced with new.

Any ideas on where I should go, preferably in the Merseyside area that will do a proper job. Always worried that I'll get cheap components installed if I don't go to a specialist.

I bought it originally at Superfi in Manchester



Pete Shields

Well-known member
Sep 23, 2008
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Good idea John.

The player has been gathering dust in the loft for the last 2 years as I bought a Cambridge Audio DVD89 to replace it.It's not a bad player, but not as good as the pioneer.

I'm sure that I went and tried to clean the Lens at the time. Will give it a go

John Duncan

Well-known member
Pete Shields:The player has been gathering dust in the loft for the last 2 years

QED. That's probably it, though with a very dirty player you sometimes need to persevere to even get the lens cleaner to play properly - I had this issue when I got a 2nd hand CD player and it took a few goes (and guessing at where the actual 'cleaning track' was) before it finally worked. Good luck.

Pete Shields

Well-known member
Sep 23, 2008
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John Duncan, the machine has been in the loft for the last two years because it kept on skipping or not recognising DVD's!

Years ago, I used to clean lenses on my CD players with meths and cotton buds. Would that work with 737?


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