Region A vs Region B


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Any of you into their Bluray have any opinions and experiences on this ?

I know there's a good amount of titles released by the studios un-coded, but on those that are region coded is there anything technically different about them, apart from having to have a region matched player obviously ?

Is there anything else to look out for ? Do region A discs tend to be better in anyway - extra content, packaging, audio-codecs ? (for instance, the Bladerunner BD set I bought, although region free, was the full 5 disc set only available in the US, whereas the UK version was 3 disc). Unlike NTSC vs PAL, I presume 1080p/24 video content is the same, regardless of US or Europe ?

The reason I ask is that in the next couple of weeks the new high-end universal Denon A1-UD player will be available in Singapore - A Denon dealer I know quotes just over £2.1k (and I would get 7% tax back) - A slight difference to the  UK £4,495. Although DVD playback is multi-region, the BD would be Region A, which is what S.E Asia is. As it stands, I can get both A and B region discs in this part of the world (Thailand & Singapore) but my concern is bringing the playing to the UK, should I likely migrate back to the UK sometime...

So trying to weigh up if having a region A player in a region B part of the world is worth the hassle ? Obviously I can order discs online, but any other drawbacks ?

G'day Mate - I havent got an answer for your post but thought I'd say hi anyway. How's the Kuro going?
Hello mate !

I not around these parts much myself these days, but seemed a good place to post the question....

(Ah, the Kuro. It hurts, but it's still sealed in it's box sitting back at my folks place in the UK ! :-( I had a few things going on, plus a move of apartment, so put a hold on having it shipped over. Of late, I'm 1/2 thinking of shifting back to the UK (giving it a little time to see if this is a crazy,ÿillogical,ÿtemporary form of madness) so I'm just hanging off for a bit.....Driving me nuts though ! Only upside, is it's all giving me time to put all this new AV stuff as well as the Naim gear in place, as I save my pennies....)

Best, Steve.ÿ
Thats a shame about the Kuro - but at least you've got one! You got any thoughts on my subwoofer question?


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