Region A Blu Ray Player


New member
Aug 10, 2019

I am thinking of buying a Blu Ray Player (Panasonic BD 30) and looking at the prices on and they are basically pound for dollar. I don't know a great deal about the tech side of the Blu Ray format but I was wondering if I bought the US machine from would it work with my UK TV (Hitachi 50 Inch Plasma) through the HDMI Connection?

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Will do but will need a transformer, you'll have to pay about 22% or so import duty and it'll probably have to go back to the States if anything goes wrong. Oh, and you'll have to buy all your discs from the States as UK bought discs - and UK DVDs - won't play on it, unless you find those without any region-coding on them.

I'd say it's probably not worth it...
Hi Mave67

Like anything from the states, most players will play back fine, BUT REMEMBER to get youreslf a stepdown transformer

for the mains side of things, maplins sell them fairly cheap, also keep in mind if something goes wrong it can be a real pain with sending back [at your cost i suspect] i would advise having a look around the net and mags and buy a UK model you are bound to get a good deal, with piece of mind, plus you wont be saving alot anyway. pay the import duties for you and sell a wide range of players. They also list their blu-ray discs compatibility.

Also please note a USA PS3 will not need a step down if that's an option.

Thanks for all the info. Still unsure but probably leaning towards getting a UK spec player especially as the DVD World USA site details what discs are multi region.

I think I'll wait until the awards issue comes out as I might be better wating for the new Panasonic BD 35.



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