Hi, as stated I also listened to the Naim CD5i and Rega Appolo during my auditions as was mightily impressed by oth paired with the Naim Nait 5i however the CD5i won due to the synergy between the two units. I saw a rega saturn on the shelf (no CD5x) andjokingly asked what the difference in price couldpossibly justify. Firstly I picked up a very substantial and well built unit, which was probably the combinedweight of the other two players. I asked to listen and really wished I had not, thisplayer set the bar that was just out of reach financially.
After getting the rest of my equipment I found out to my delight that Rega had lowered the price of the saturn to £898 only £3 more than the CD5i!!! This made my decision an absolute no brainer as the player is in the next echelon of performance.
My player still has not run in yet but initial impressions so far are:-
Vocals are absolutely unbelievable, realistic, full of emotion, it doesnt sound like you are listening to a CD. The player can take the worst recordings and make them sound fantastic, so you can imagine how good quality recordnigs sound. Percussion and guitars are also amazing.
The bass weight in my system has improved as has the seperation. The bass is weighty but controlled, the mids are fluid and the high end not tiresome or bright in the slightest.
Too early yet to really tell the subtleties and imaging properties as all my equipment is relatively green and not run in yet.
However I was willing to pay (evetually) the £1271 for this player so to be able to purchase one now for £898 is an absolute steal.