Rega P2 turntable - Pre phono amp needed.


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I have a Rega P2 Turntable and am thinking of getting a Onkyo CR725 so need a pre phono amp.

I know there are plenty of seperates and intergrated amps out there but I really don't want the bulk in my lounge.

Would really appreciate any advice on what's the best for about £70-100 max to justify the P2's sound.
Rega Fono-Mini £55. Very compact MM only...


(It is about half the size of a small 200 page paperback book)
Call your nearest Audio-T. If they don't have one I know a branch that has two. They will order it in for you between branches.
Signals in Ipswich offer them on their online shop too.
Or a cam audio azur 640P, gives you mm and mc options. Rated highly by the team here and other reviewers.
any other options at reasonable price? I've got the Nad PP1 and I'm finding the sound disappointing since upgrading my speakers. Lack of bass, poor soundstage, closed in sound
Thanks for the advice. I'll audition both of them.

Have also been informed of the possibility of just getting theÿDRA F107 now as well. ÿÿ