Rega Apollo CD/ Amp/DAC or Naim CD 5si /Nait 5i/2 ??


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Hi looking for some advice on which system combo to go for

My current system is a Cambridge 650 amp and 650 CD player with Rega RS3 speakers

I am looking to upgrade to either the Rega Apollo R with Brio R and the DAC or the

Naim CD5si and Nait 5i/2. is the onboard Naim DAC in the CD5si better than the Rega standalone

DAC and which would sound better with my recently acquired speakers which I love. I have read

that Rega and Naim components and speakers have good synergy with each other and would

like to know if the extra £200 to £300 pounds for the Naim components would give much more

audio performance over the Rega .

any advice will be gratefully welcome.thanks.
Welcome to the madhouse.

The Nait 5i doesn't have a dac on board. The Unitis do, though.

Nevertheless Naim and Rega speakers sound like a tasty combo. Had the Rega dac on home trial and is good if you're looking for a flexible source, however I chose the Naim CD5i-2 over the Rega because it was punchier IMHO. You'll need to dem the options and decide for yourself.
Havent heard the Naim combo but more than happy with my Rega Brio R, Apollo R, DAC combo..........

I bet the Naim sounds good too!

All down to what soundsi best to YOU - Both systems are quality - one isnt better than the other, but the DAC is useful for FLAC files and the Brio R has a decent phono stage!

My advice go and listen to both systems.......


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