Recommend me a dynamic sounding budget cart?


New member
Nov 27, 2009
Hi i'm currently using an AT110e on a NAD C555 (read Rega P2) with a glass platter fitted and an RB301 tone arm, I also have a motor spindle bearing upgrade.

Phonostage is a Graham Slee Bridge (Steel box)

I'm looking for a cartridge with more dynamics,tighter punchier bass and a clearer midrange, budget up to £100.
Hello and welcome.

You could do a lot worse than a Grado Prestige Gold.
Goldring 2100

I am currently using with rb250 and systemdek 2 - it made me leave my cd's on the shelf and buy new vinyl all over again.
If you are looking for a dynamic sound then the Ortofon 2M Red would be the one. Makes a perfect match with the Rega arm as well.
Hi thanks for the replies guys. Unfortunately the Grado Gold is out of reach and I'm worried about hum pick up.

The 2M RED is a good suggestion, I've actually used one before in a different system and it did sound good, but inner groove tracking was a problem and I couldn't resolve it, so I'm shakey on this one.

The Goldring 2100 look promising indeed, good reviews (that I can find) sounds like the kinda sound I'm after, it's made the list!

Many thanks so far🙂
