Reavon UBR-X110 plays almost every disc type under the sun


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2014
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Considering the UBR-X100 is currently selling for £800, there's no way the UBR-X110 is going to retail for just £700.

Whatever the price, these Reavon's are not worth the money.

Deleted member 197450

Considering the UBR-X100 is currently selling for £800, there's no way the UBR-X110 is going to retail for just £700.

Whatever the price, these Reavon's are not worth the money.
I just bought one for £700…


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2014
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I just bought one for £700…

It's a $1,000.00 in the USA, it's a 1,000 Euros from Germany. I can't even see it available from the UK for any price.

And even if you do have one, you will regret it.

The buttons on the front are plastic, unresponsive to the touch and loose. There's nothing inside of the unit that warrants the high price tag, the software is riddled with bugs and the unit is noisy in operation.

If you've bought one, return it whilst you still can and buy Panasonic.

Deleted member 197450

It's a $1,000.00 in the USA, it's a 1,000 Euros from Germany. I can't even see it available from the UK for any price.

And even if you do have one, you will regret it.

The buttons on the front are plastic, unresponsive to the touch and loose. There's nothing inside of the unit that warrants the high price tag, the software is riddled with bugs and the unit is noisy in operation.

If you've bought one, return it whilst you still can and buy Panasonic.
I bought mine from here:

If you go through to checkout the price comes down to 850 Euros.

I had the X100 Reavon and was really impressed by it. The pure Audio button wouldn’t work but apart from that it was great. The new Reavon X110 plays SACDs in surround sound so that’s a bonus over the X100, and it was quiet in operation. I have already been sent a firmware update for the Reavon X110.

I currently have the Cambridge Audio CXUHD 4K Blu-Ray player and that has been playing me up, it won’t play Back to the Futures in 4K and Gladiator 4K Blu-Ray is all fuzzy. That had no inbuilt sound either it was just a transport. So the Reavon X110 having no inbuilt sound or Dacs doesn’t bother me. I like the Reavon too because it plays all discs in not 4:3 like DVDs a lot of other players won’t do that.


Well-known member
It's a $1,000.00 in the USA, it's a 1,000 Euros from Germany. I can't even see it available from the UK for any price.

And even if you do have one, you will regret it.

The buttons on the front are plastic, unresponsive to the touch and loose. There's nothing inside of the unit that warrants the high price tag, the software is riddled with bugs and the unit is noisy in operation.

If you've bought one, return it whilst you still can and buy Panasonic.

Panasonic does not play SACD hence why the 9000 is also a rip off.


Deleted member 197450

It's a $1,000.00 in the USA, it's a 1,000 Euros from Germany. I can't even see it available from the UK for any price.

And even if you do have one, you will regret it.

The buttons on the front are plastic, unresponsive to the touch and loose. There's nothing inside of the unit that warrants the high price tag, the software is riddled with bugs and the unit is noisy in operation.

If you've bought one, return it whilst you still can and buy Panasonic.
You have to sign in to get it for €877.5 including delivery to the UK. And add it to checkout.

Deleted member 197450

It's a $1,000.00 in the USA, it's a 1,000 Euros from Germany. I can't even see it available from the UK for any price.

And even if you do have one, you will regret it.

The buttons on the front are plastic, unresponsive to the touch and loose. There's nothing inside of the unit that warrants the high price tag, the software is riddled with bugs and the unit is noisy in operation.

If you've bought one, return it whilst you still can and buy Panasonic.
Just to confirm mine is with the carrier at present, should hopefully get it soon.


Well-known member
Jun 5, 2020
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I think it's still nuts to spend this amount for a 4K player.
Only few will have the setup, calibrated TV, and the rest to notice the difference.
Then the question is of course, is it "better" or just "different"?
To me, it's all a bit like the cable scams, buying overpriced cables which even have been "burned-in".
Whatever they might measure in a review/test later, it's most likely far below any (super-) human could notice.

Deleted member 197450

I think it's still nuts to spend this amount for a 4K player.
Only few will have the setup, calibrated TV, and the rest to notice the difference.
Then the question is of course, is it "better" or just "different"?
To me, it's all a bit like the cable scams, buying overpriced cables which even have been "burned-in".
Whatever they might measure in a review/test later, it's most likely far below any (super-) human could notice.
I suppose I could’ve bought a Sony 4K Blu-ray player for like £280 that does SACD playback and the only thing it won’t do is Pure Audio mode and perhaps won’t play DVDs in 4:3 but I bet it will. Personally to have those things make it worth it for me. And even though to get sound to make a difference when bit streaming through an amp there is not much difference a player like the Reavon will make it better in my opinion because it does with my CA CXUHD player.

If you are not bothered by those things buy the Sony £280 player or the Panasonic 820 player if you want a good quality 4K player.


Well-known member
Jun 5, 2020
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Hi "gel". I'm not bothered at all. If you want it, have the money for it = get it.
I got just a bit annoyed from another news letter, where they promoted again the importance of cable in general
and the need of spending a lot of money (10 - 15%) on them.
It's a general issue I have, when products get promoted against any (currently) available/prove of science.
Again: If higher price = higher quality, which is mostly the outside, the buttons, case, etc., it's fair enough.
If it's just some measurement in the 0.00...% - than it's ridiculous to promote the product (I think).
The cable thing really ticked me off :)

Deleted member 197450

Hi "gel". I'm not bothered at all. If you want it, have the money for it = get it.
I got just a bit annoyed from another news letter, where they promoted again the importance of cable in general
and the need of spending a lot of money (10 - 15%) on them.
It's a general issue I have, when products get promoted against any (currently) available/prove of science.
Again: If higher price = higher quality, which is mostly the outside, the buttons, case, etc., it's fair enough.
If it's just some measurement in the 0.00...% - than it's ridiculous to promote the product (I think).
The cable thing really ticked me off :)
No probs mate. (y)

Deleted member 197450

Never come across a player that would not play in 4:3 if the disc was in 4:3, are you sure you did not switch on the option to play everything in 16:9 in the menu.

Hi Bill

I meant to say that some will only play in 4:3 on some DVDs and I still watch a lot of DVDs like this so buying the Reavon player I know there is an option to play in full screen, that you don’t get with a lot of players.

Deleted member 197450



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