real upgrade to MARS6 + NAD C355


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2009

I just bought the Monitor Audio RS6 + NAD C355 + 345CD, I was looking in a higher price range, but I could not make a choice and did not know my room very well. So bought some nice discounted set.

I must say it sounds very, very good for the money, I have a Monster interlink and Monster speaker cable.

But there is one problem, the bass is a bit too much, I have my speakers 80 cm from back and side walls, so that's not the problem, but I think it might be the Monster cables why the bass is a bit overpowering the mid/high freq. Any suggestions for a better interlink/speaker cable?

Right now Iam already demoing for a new setup, what should be a major upgrade to the MA-NAD set-up? I was thinking in the 4,000 pounds total budget.

Maybe, Naim XS, Naim cd5xs, Neat Motive 2? Tannoy Rev. SIg. DC6T, Exposure 3010, 3010cd.
What size is your room? and what do you have in it?

It is essential with the RS6 that the acoustics are just so. Also the Nad you're using, compared to Arcam, Creek etc. is fairly adept with deep bass. Personally, I would change the amp to Arcam DIVA range (A85 or even A65+) and the bass should lessen slightly.

...But check those room acoustics before splashing out on different amps.

BTW, try bunging the rear ports. If that doesn't work too effectively, then try the front ports...
Why did you not demo the kit before you bought it and surely you must have been aware that nad kit combined with a fairly large double woofer floorstander was going to give you enormous bass? Why buy what you did if you now want to spend 4k on something else? Seems a bizarre way of doing things to me.

If you want to make sure you actually like something then you HAVE to demo it first. I would not change the amp or speakers.Both are excellent but the main cause of the bass issue is probably the speakers.They pump out a lot of bass.I would consider a change to a smaller speaker that does not go as deep and is maybe a bit tighter in the bass as the mon audios can be slightly warm at times. Decent as the arcam a65+ amp is it is not in the same league as the nad.
i just changed a nad c326bee to a marantz pm6003 , the nad was too boomy with my rx6s , but what a difference , the sound is now brilliant to my ears , perfect tight bass ..

Stick with the NAD; it's NOT just the amp, believe me!

IMO you need to swap the CDP to the likes of an Arcam DiVa CD72 or a CD73 OR if you've got the budget an Arcam DiVA CD192 or a 2nd hand Rega Apollo

Also change the speaker cable to the likes of the Chord Oddyssey 2 or the QED Revelation and the interconnects to the Atlas Equator, Black Rhodium Prelude or the Chord Cobra 3's
I demo the rs6 and nad 4 times, so that's not the problem, i did not demo the cable and interlink.

I think i will tweak with those, what about bi-wire?
If the RS6s are on the boomy side, changing the CDP to the Arcam 72 or 73 will only highlight the boominess more. The 72 or 73 are wonderful players for the money, but unlike DIVA amps, their budget cd players have a warmth to the presentation.

Initially, the OP should check out the acoustics like I mentioned in my first post (and possibly bungs) before contemplating an amp or cd change.
i think it could be a case of just floorstanders with poor recordings. I like the idea of testing bungs and try other cable but i think your nad should be fine and may well be your room as well
The acoustics is perfect, because it is not boominess, it;s very punchy, maybe it is my room, because I have wooden floor and the store had carpet. I think the bass in my room is much punchier. (better). Only thing is that The RS6 is a solution for a couple of months, my cousin will buy the whole set when he will be moving away from his parents.

Then I will be buying a new set higher on the ladder.

I know I love the RS6 with NAD. But I want some more midrange and less bass in my new set.
with the new roksan caspian range out soon, might be a good time to see if you can get a hefty discount. those with something like a spendor a5 or a6 depending on price and personal preference. if your happy to try standmounts, maybe some atcs - you won't get boomy bass with those.
Well I think I know the problem. It is Muse :-(, I just spin Kings of leon and did not have the overwhelming bass, then try Muse, and bingo!! too much bass, Muse need to do some better rec. 🙂 Live they are pretty good imo.

Spendor is on my list with NaimXS, I loved it. Exposure 3010S is very nice amp too, abs. loved it.
my room has a tiled floor , not wooden but sound bounces of it just the same , i put a duvet on the floor (till i get a nice big rug) to help absorb some of the sound and it did help make things better , why not give that a try ? just to see if it improves things ?
Hi Max,

Tomorrow I will buy nice big carpet, so this will improve the sound even more,

Just saw the goal of Suarez, wow! He played in the Dutch competition, he is a steel for Man U (off topic :0
Hi Max,

Tomorrow I will buy nice big carpet, so this will improve the sound even more,

Just saw the goal of Suarez, wow! He played in the Dutch competition, he is a steel for Man U (off topic :0
whoaaa , dont take my word for it , every room is different , try a duvet from your bed ? if it helps , then buy a rug
ah , thats ok then

tell her how nice it will be in the winter to have a nice big thick carpet , they absorb them boomy basswaves better
I will

but i love the rs6, but I think I prefer a different sound. I get a little tired by it when listening very long, I know RX6 is better. But I will sell the speaker in a couple of months too my cousin.

Do you think the RX6 can compete against Spendor A5, Neat Motive 2 with a NAIM XS amp? Or should I not demo the RX6 with Naim and demo directly the Spendor and Neat?
your asking the wrong man poldo , im a hifi novice ..but im sure the more experienced guys on here will have plenty of good advice for you
d_a_n1979:Nope Stick with the NAD; it's NOT just the amp, believe me! IMO you need to swap the CDP to the likes of an Arcam DiVa CD72 or a CD73 OR if you've got the budget an Arcam DiVA CD192 or a 2nd hand Rega Apollo Also change the speaker cable to the likes of the Chord Oddyssey 2 or the QED Revelation and the interconnects to the Atlas Equator, Black Rhodium Prelude or the Chord Cobra 3's

I would not change the CDP to an Arcam CD72 or CD 73. I had the CD73 and changed it for a nad.The Nad has a punchier tighter more controlled bass. the Arcam was deeper warmer and richer in comparison and will just add to your problems.
Yes Fraz but thats for a different amp and speakers!

Having owned the lot above mentioned the Arcam amps would work very well also!
But what would be a significant step forward? Would Spendor a5, Epos m22i, Totem Rainmaker, ProAc Studio 140 all be lot better then Monitor Audio rs6? Or should the RX6 be a step forward too? All with a Naim XS Amp?
If you want better midrange then you should add Sonus Faber, perhaps the Minima, plus the Dynaudio Focus range to your listening. I'd budget 1500 to 2000 for the speakers.

The Naim is a good amp, especially when partnered with the CD5i. I'd also give the Densen B110 a listen with the CD5i player.


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