Well, I bought a Touch to replace my Duet, principally for the USB in which would allow me to connect a 320 drive and turn my 'slave' net book off.
So, all set up, a doddle compared to the Duet and we're off!
Except..... unfortunately the sound quality not as good. SeekIng a second opinion I asked the good lady wife and she agreed*. The Touch is good, but lacks the detail and vitality compared to my existing set up.
I listen to my system pretty much all day, so am very familiar with the sound, and we checked them both against favourite songs, and particularily with live recordings there wasn't the feel of the vocalist being 'in' the room.
Another slight problem was the playlists on the drive wouldn't show up, but that could presumably be worked around.
So, a very user friendly piece of kit, with good sound but can be bettered, and in my case the money was better spent at Audiocom, though I believe they've now discontinued the service.
* in itself, a small miracle.