Question for professorhat or anyone in the know????


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2007
i have a squeezebox connected to my stereo that connect wirelessly to my pc with all my music stored on it but it obviously needs to be turned on to play apple lossless files through my stereo - I noticied on another query you made a few suggestions - whats the best wireless connectable data storage device to buy that can be left turned on so my squeezebox can connect to it without the need for a computer once all music has been loaded on it?
I can understand why people don't want to leave there computers on i.e. power consumption. But how much difference would just having a nas device on, make to your electricity bill, you would have to wait a while before you recup the difference once you've taken into account the price you pay for the nas device.

Wouldn't just upgrading the internal hard drive be cheaper.
well i would prob sell my media pc as i don't use it at all - just sits in the spare room gathering dust - i have a laptop for surfing sct so i just don't really use it
Have a look at the Qnaps, they are expandable. I'd post a link but this site is taking months to load.
I don't know of any specifically wireless ones I'm afraid. However, I can't see any reason why you couldn't hook a standard NAS to a wireless bridge to get it on the wireless network. The only NAS devices I'm familiar with are the Buffalo ones (I have an older Buffalo Terastation). Just make sure you get one which is DLNA enabled out of the box. You can sometimes install a client like TwonkyVision on ones which aren't to do this (which is what I had to do) but I wouldn't recommend it unless you're pretty familiar with computers.
daveh75:take a look at they have a number of nas' that come with slimserver pre-installed!

Think I read somewhere that Ripcaster have gone bust but left the website up. I'd be careful before buying from them.
VoodooDoctor:daveh75:take a look at they have a number of nas' that come with slimserver pre-installed!

Think I read somewhere that Ripcaster have gone bust but left the website up. I'd be careful before buying from them.

Yeah there was a post about this a couple of days ago but the site is playing up and I cannot find the post! So be careful of ripcaster!!
I run Squeezecenter on my laptop or my bedroom PC. The laptop is on most of the day so I didn't feel too bad about using it as the server. Squeezcenter can be a bit cumbersome to get running on a NAS, check the slimdevices site for compatible NAS'. I actually thought about buying a netbook running XP e.g. Acer One, Asus EEE 904 or Samsung NC10 as a low powered server with an attached USB drive. It would be nice to display album art too (I use crayonroom screensaver which works well) sitting on top of my hifi rack. I use the ipod touch(ipeng) /Harmony to control it.


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