Vladimir, if we are to take the specifications at face value, the lektors are in fact more efficient.
They are 8 ohms 84db/2.83volts@1 metre efficient. Which is 84dbs/1 watt @1 metre efficient.
The Menuets are 86db/2.83v@1metre efficient. But they are 4 ohms and will be sucking twice the power from the amp. So we need to subtract 3dbs from their efficiency to compare them to 8 ohm speakers, making them 83dbs/1 watt @ 1 metre efficient.
Having said that, in the real world, the impedence of every speaker depends on the frequency being fed to it. And quoted impedance figures are rough nominal averages. Also, as a look at a few Stereophile speaker reviews will reveal, manufacturers often quote inaccurate efficiency and impedance specifications.
When you get amps where speaker impedance becomes critical: IE SET amps. It's the minumum impedance that is more important than the average / nominal impedance. And we don't know what that is for either of the speakers.
The OP's NAD amp should be able to cope with the impedance of either speaker, as long as their impedances don't dip to something stupid - ie around 1 ohm.
So, the better speaker for the OP then becomes (as Vladimir quite rightly pointed out) the one that he prefers the sound / looks / price of. There are, of course, hundreds of other speakers that might suit him even more.