QED Speaker Cable Help


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hey Guys -

I just got myself on a 5 dali setup (2 dali ikon 6, dali vokal 2, 2 dali ikon 2 for rear) im wiating for the sub right now...

I wanted to ask, since theres so many options on there website, which speaker cable is the best? And which someone can prefer? I currenlty only have monster CL 16 gauge speaker cables....

Also, these dali can be bi wired, so im not sure if i should bi wire them though, since there are a limited type of speaker cables QED offer that are in bi wired? And im not sure if the offered bi wire cables are the best in general, compared to genesis, x tube 400, or the xt evolution?

I love hi fi magazine, and am going to subscribe soon? I cant wait?
EDIT: Or if there are better speaker cables (bi wireable if this even makes a difference) out there...please let me know... something good for blu ray playback, as well as music...I listen to rock, grunge, pop, etc... I love to hear the singers voice without the bass distorting this, but without taking away the rock sound of music...hard to describe...hehehe my price range is $600
Hi Monkey12,

I know a lot of people will disagree with me about this, BUT...

I found that the best deal on quality speaker cables is by 100M rolls on ebay.

When I lived in the USA I bought some expensive brand name cable for my set up. Later I moved into a new place and the room was way bigger and I need much longer cables. Cost differences were multiplied by cable length and a friend suggested I try ebay...

FFW... I live in France now, and when I set up my home cinema here, I went strait to ebay.fr; I got some 2x6mm copper/silver wire for the fronts and 2x4mm copper wire for the rest. I paid less than half of what the retailers sell name brand for. And the wire is the just as good - the sound is great.

In some things a name brand is the best way to go (like HDMI cable) because of quality of build, connections, customer service, etc... but speaker wire is just wire. The only thing that matters is composition and insulation - both are easily selected without paying name brand, retail prices.

I took a 15cm piece of cable (from ebay) to the shop in Paris where I bought my reciever and speakers and asked him if he had any more. He brought me to the spool rack, pointed out the "matching" cable and offered a nice discount since I was a retuning customer. It was still almost 2 1/2 times what I paid for it!

Sorry I can't help you with bi wiring - I didn't go that route, so I can't say.

Good luck with your new setup!
Hi monkey7 welcome to the forums i think the best place to start would be check the reviews on this very site, if you would like to go with QED you can not really go wrong, QED Revelation is an award winner and rated very highly, or you can look at Chord these also are rated very highly and award winners as well, for pricing you will not go wrong with this supplier

www.hificables.co.uk these will always give great advice and are very helpfull, Good luck and enjoy.ÿ







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