Pure Evoke Flow connected to hi fi


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I have a Pure Evoke Flow radio, and love it to bits. I connect it to a Cyrus 8vs2 amp, in turn it plays through ProAc speakers. It sounds very good indeed, especially music, which sounds similar to CD quality. Because the internet files are buffered, is it essentially playing lossless files? And does the data go through a DAC before being played? How would this way of playing data files compare to the DAC Magic and others?
Never used ours this way.

It stays in the kitchen streaming internet radio (Radio Paradise is a fave with daughters) and playing BBC R4 and R7 on DAB (wife's choices.)

Sometimes (during revision in conservatory) I have heard daughter 2 using it to play birdsong on Pure sounds.

I enabled UPnP in XP and sharing in WMP 11 and loaded Flowserver (with key you get at registration) and experimented with streaming from the Media player but it was too much faffing around as all my stuff is iTunes and sounds a lot better on the hifi in the living room. (I just wanted to make sure it works.)

Internet radio is not lossless (the bitrates are tpyically around 128kbps - 192kbps for the better ones) but some stations can sound very good. (Better than DAB which is not difficult!)

On the hifi I use the Freeview tuner in my DVD/HDD recorder - connected via digital optical to the Beresford - and internet radio and BBC iPlayer (laptop system to DAC connected with USB).

The Pure Evoke Flow stays in the kitchen and gets covered in fingerprints and flour until I clean it. Everyone likes it though. Excellent box.


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