Pure Audio Confusion - Onkyo 875 - Andrew your help please


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I have an Onkyo 875 amp and use it in Pure Audio mode for listening to cd's and an ipod through an arcam dock. According to the manual when the amp is in Pure Audio mode it turns off the display and video circuitry. However when using the cd player, although the display on the amp turns off, video is still displayed through the tv. I've tested this with a sky hd source and dvd, and in both cases the amp is still upscaling. When listening to the ipod, which is connected through the "game/tv" sockets the video is completely switched off and therefore I get a blank tv screen. It does also say in the manual that as the video circuitry is turned off only the HDMI OUT outputs video. But as I only use the one HDMI out to output video I would have thought I'd get the same result in both instances.

Any ideas?

Andrew Everard

New member
May 30, 2007
I guess the Pure Audio system turns off all the video processing, but keeps the HDMIs active, as you might well be inputting the Audio you want kept Pure via those connections. So the HDMIs are simply passing through what's being received on them, including the video.


mine turns off the sub output in pure direct mode even though i have my crossover point set to 80hz! not really a problem for me as my speakers are full range but it would be a ****** if you run a sat sub combo!


Thanks for your help guys, although I'm still not sure why the video source gets cut when using the Game / TV inputs and stays active when using the CD inputs. It's not a problem, I just don't understand it!!