Pure... a mini rant....


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2008
Firstly, if I'm breaking any forum rules (I don't think I am) I apologise.

About three years ago, I wanted to upgrade my 15 year old Sony alarm clock, which incidentally had served me very well without fault for those years, in order to 'upgrade' to the newer tech - DAB and also charge/integrate my iphone.

The overwhelming views at the time were to pip for a Pure product so I bought the only product in their range (from memory) that enabled me to have an alarm radio with DAB and iphone/pod integration - the Chronos iDock.

This product worked for around 12-15 months. I wasn't totallly convinced by the dim back light and the unusual 'humming' that it seemed to emit which I had to get used to when trying to get to sleep, but on the whole, it did the job. At the time, the ability to charge my iphone, play DAB quality radio (and music through my phone) plus the 'clever' alarms that only came on during the week outshone the issues.

Then, one day it decided to stop charging my iphone - or ipod. Just wouldn't do it. No reason. Stopped. Naturally I searched the internet for a solution and eventually decided to negotiate the Pure Technical 'Support' arena in an attempt to get the issue swiftly rectified. This was not easy, and after much communication backwards and forwards with a support technician they eventually allowed me to send the product back. I felt that it was made out that it was somehow my fault.

Alas several days later (pretty quickly to be fair) a brand new Pure Chronos iDock Series II turned up at my house! Wow! Was impressed. Perhaps I had a dodgy batch and they had obviously seen it within themselves to forgoe the fact my previous model was outside its warranty period and issue as a goodwill gesture a new (hopefully improved) version!

But alas, after about 8 months of ownership, this one has too suffered an ill fate. I have recently moved house and when I plugged it in to my new bedroom and plugged in my iphone to listen to some music, it decided to cut it off for no reason. The Dock just shutdown and then after a second or so, restarted. Very odd. Now it resests itself randomally and last night completely turned itself off! Luckily I'm using my iphohe's alarm, because if not I wouldn't have been woken this morning! No reason I can see whatsoever, other than to suggest another dodgy product! This one, too hums too much when you want a product that is as slilent and free of electrical noise as possible and now seems to have a mind of its own with regards to when and how it operates! I find it a bit of a joke to be honest!

So, what's the point of this post? Well, to be honest, not much really! I can't be bothered to go through Tech Support again, and neither can I be bothered to try and 'update the firmware' (it's an alarm radio not a AV Reciever!) and I'm not expecting anything from this post either! I will just write the thing off! I'm going to take a look at some alternative products and will not be purchasing anything by Pure again.

Maybe I'm expecting too much in an age where technology seems to almost aid/improve our life to such an extent, but to me, all I wanted was a box that told the time, charged my phone and woke me up with the dulcet tones of Chill FM.

So if anyone can recommend a reliable product that does the above - that is not made by Pure - it would be very much appreciated - oh and if it has the new Apple charging connector (for a iphone 5) all the better!! Budget around £100.


Sorry you've had the issues. Maybe it's just an inherrent problem with the dock. If so that still sucks. I've had a Pure DAB radio in the kitchen for ages now and it still works as good as the day I got it, so based on my experience, I would buy another Pure radio. But based on your experience, certainly not a dock though.
bigboss said:
I think you should speak to technical support again. You're within law for a repair, replacement or a refund.

Do you want a DAB radio as well, or just FM?

You're completely (as usual!) correct BigBoss.

I should go back and raise a further ticket and get them to look into it. But it was such a faff last time that I am afraid lethagy is taking over! Having just moved into a new house, I've got more pressing things to attend to 🙂

DAB is also required. Will give Roberts a look too....

Cheers all.
It's not going to help you, but I've had the same dock for 4 or 5 years and it has presented very few problems. No hum and no problems charging. Occasionally its logic gets confused and the front buttons won't work until you turn the volume control, but this isn't a great concern. I suspect it means you have been unlucky, and therefore trying to get a replacement or repair may be worthwhile.
bigboss said:
The other respected name in DAB world is Roberts: http://www.robertsradio.co.uk/Products/Clock_radios.htm

So you would think.but when repeatedly asked if the (brilliant in every other way) Stream 63i will ever work with their App, they shrug theur shoulders.

Very disapointing when a maunfacturer chooses to support lesser model in the range and not their "Premium" products.