PS3 internet explorer


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Aug 10, 2019
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Hi Guys,

I understand PS3 currently has some limitations with internet exploring (i.e. iPlayer for example) but to what extent does this limitation apply, can you still search for example things like: online poker websites, on-line banking, shopping, google, music download sites, Whathifi site!! etc....

Also can you get a keyboard which would help with this?

There are some good bundles on the 160gb, do you think the extra space is worth it (about £50 more expensive than 80gb bundles)?



I can't comment on the PS3 internet explorer as I'm in the process of looking to get one myself.

Regarding the extra space, it does provide you with the flexibility to store more music, movies etc on your PS3. It also comes in handy if you get the PlayTV which is a tuner for the PS3 and allows you to record onto your PS3. Though, at the cost of the extra £50, for the same money you could upgrade the 80GB to 320GB yourself (purchase a 320GB drive and repalce the 80GB with it), professorhat did do a tutorial on how to do this on this forum and the PS3 manual also has instructions on how to do this.

You could always just be buy the 80GB and later if you feel that this isn't enough space, upgrade the hard drive to 320GB for exactly the same cash as you would have paid for a 160GB.


Hi Guys,

I understand PS3 currently has some limitations with internet exploring (i.e. iPlayer for example) but to what extent does this limitation apply, can you still search for example things like:ÿonline poker websites, on-line banking, shopping, google, music download sites, Whathifi site!! etc....

Also can you get a keyboard which would help with this?

There are some good bundles on the 160gb, do you think the extra space is worth it (about £50 more expensive than 80gb bundles)?


Pretty much everything Southfly said, the recent update has fixed a lot of issues with the internet, iPlayer works fine now. Any USB keyboard should work i used one from my old BondiBlue iMac.ÿ


Well, I have been trying work this thing out and to get on line use iPlayer with using the PS3 but it never let me get beyond Sony's own pages and a plenty of game promo etc. Could you please explain how to go about this? Thanks very much.


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2007
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Okay, to use the PS3 browser, obviously first click into the Internet Browser, then, once the Sony home page has loaded, press triangle and here you can see all the options for the browser. Under File is Address Entry and here you can type in directly the URL of the website you want to go to e.g. you could type in "" to get to Google and search for something (or you could use the Search option from the triangle menu). Pressing the Start button from the website page takes you directly to the Address Entry part.
Specifically for the BBC iPlayer, you used to have to go to "" in the Address Entry section, but with the latest 2.53 firmware, the actual BBC iPlayer site works just fine natively (which can be found by typing in "" in the Address Entry section). You can bookmark any site using the Select button so you can easily get back it later on without having to keep typing in the full address.


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Nov 15, 2008
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I don't use my PS3 that much for browsing but it is quite effective. I can also recommend the wireless Keysonic keyboard for the PS3. It works a treat and I usually move it between my main PC and my PS3.


Thank you Professor, as always precise and informative. I don't always use the PS3 for ÿiplayer, most thing on Iplayer ÿare available on BT Vision Replay, and easier, but just would like to mess around just because its there!!

keep eating those firey biscuits!!ÿ

Thanks again



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