proac tablette vs hexa and sub


New member
Aug 10, 2019

Having owned a few ProAc speakers in the past (and loads of
other makes also) I am a big fan, they are my number 1 choice when it comes to
speakers. I am just wondering if anyone else has any experience with ProAc’s. What
I wanted to know was if the hexa satellites are as good the Tablettes in terms
of midrange and treble.

I have a set of hexa satellites and I must say they are
stunning speakers but are these as good as the Tablettes, obviously they
cannot be compared directly with the Tablettes as they are a fuller
range speaker, but if they where used with one of the proac subs (ER1 or hexa)
would they be as good or better than the ref 8 signatures in terms of detail
and quality, purely for music?

I have owned a set of 8 sig also in the
past and I know how good they are, but I am really not sure which way to
go with my next purchase either to get rid of the hexa sats and buy the ref 8 again
or just buy the sub as the hexa are just too small to do it alone.
There is not a huge cost difference between the
tablettes and the hexa and the hexa is just a satellite speaker. I do love
both but I never compared them side by side! Would they have the edge
over the tablette with a proac sub?

I would like a proac floorstanders but I haven’t got the
room for them but I thought at least with the sub the bass can be controlled a
bit. I like bass but boomyness and drowning out that beautiful proac midrange I
don’t want.

It’s a long shot but anyone compared the two side by side ?
Good choice West Sounds

I'm a big fan of the Tablette and Response ranges, and heard many models going back as far as the Studio 100's and the of the original Tablettes over 15 years ago.

The Hexa satellites are probably one of the best sounding satellite speakers around as far as music is concerned, but they're often overlooked, including by myself! The TriTower are also based on the Hexa speakers, and again, at their price point, they're one of the best sounding slim floorstanders around, and far more accurate than the Def Tech Mythos everyone seems to rave about. Have you thought about these? If you don't like overpowering bass, these may have as much as you need. Plus, having multiple Hexa mid/bass drivers improves the midrange no end. I was quite stunned as to how clean the midrange was, and how much it sounded like a normal, larger floorstanding speaker.

As for the two you mentioned, the treble may be quite similar, but I think the Tablette 8 Sigs are going to win out as far as midrange is concerned. A sub on the end of the Hexas will improve the lower end and completely transform them into a great sounding speaker system, probably better than many normal hi-fi speakers at a similar price, but I think if you replaced the Hexas for the Tablettes you'd hear quite a noticable difference. Also, some strain will be taken off the sub as it won't have to reach as high, which is a good thing as many subs aren't really designed to deal with frequencies above 80Hz the same manner as the ones below.
thanks for the response, Im still not sure which way to go yet. I think the idea of a good sub sounds fun but after having a bad experince with a rel quake once where i found it a bit boomy and one note, i just got tired of it after a short peroid of time, but would this be the case with a higher quality sub such as a proac or a BK XLS200 that people rave about? if I going to have bass I want it tight and fast, I just thought the quake was a bit pointless and wallowy, just a boom box.


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