Proac Response D1 - How far from rear wall?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi All, I had a demo of the Spendor SA1 the other day and (sorry Iggle) they were a bit to light for my likes. The imaging was fantastic and it was pin sharp, but not for me. Was wondering as the Proac D1 go lower for just a little bigger cabinet, how far can you realisticaly get away with to the rear wall behind them? The side walls do not come into play at all. I could get away with about 6 - 7in max, so am not sure if the bass would become muddy and affect the rest of the sound. What do you all think?
There seems to be minimal information out their about the D1.

I have found some information relating the D1 to the Response One SC (Devine Audio reviews / comments) and the set up looks on a par.

The review of the Response can be found here.

First page under heading, All features great & small. Paragraph 6.

Hope that helps.
I have the response d2. I placed them 80cm from rear walls, and 35cm from side walls. for me those are the measurements that sound right in my room. Seeing that the d1 is a little bit smaller than the d1, i would say that the max distance should be at least 30cm from the rear wall maybe 20cm when listening at low volumes.. (a larger distance would be better) but i would check before buying.
The side walls are on the left 8ft away and the right is 6ft away. The unfortunate thing is that as I have a huge bed (6ft wide and 6.5ft long, I have about 3ft at the end of the bed where the speakers can live on their stands. That is why I have about 6-7in from the wall, otherwise there is to little room to walk past and I'm liable to wlak into them when I wake up at 4am.

I know the usual 12in applies when placing rear firing speakers, but was asking the question. Got a reply from Proac and they said 12in as well, otherwise the bass port will have the reflected waves back into the port. Oh well!

They seem like great speakers as well.....

How are your D2's Daspaceman?
The proac response range is excellent... I will never part them unless it is a bigger proac.

For a standmount, it is hard to beat i.m.h.o. ; detailed but not bright, with a good punch, very nice. I really recommand them!
Wish they could be a bit smaller as they are front ported and as you say are fantastic speakers. They are just to big for going in my bedroom, the lady of the house wont have them in there....
what about the proac reference 8 speaker.. that`s a very fine speaker.. and smaller too. Shouldnt be a problem for the lady in your house... or you can tell her to sleep in another house 😛
Was hoping for a bigger step up in sound than the spendors I have now, so the reference 8's would be about the same level as them.

Might buy a house so that I can play my music and set it up how I want ;-). Had a detatched house before when living alone so had no constraints about it then..Damn these women haha!
The problem here is that definite information can't really be given, as the distance a speaker ds to be away from a wall will vary from room to room. Generally speaking, stud/partition walls tend to flex, so speakers can be placed closer to them. Brick walls are solid reflect the bass energy back into the room, so the speakers will need to be moved further away, or have their reflex ports bunged (something I usually try and avoid as they tend to rob the speakers of their intended sound).
Guess a home demo is the only way to try them I know.

The wall is a brick wall so the sound will bounce straight off it into the ports. Tried bunging other speakers ports and t did not sound right, so that is not viable either.

Well looks like new speakers in the house to try!
You never know, the SA1s might prove to be enough in situ. Haha, would you expect anything else from me
If you gut your arm off Iggle, you would have Zebrano dripping out onto the floor ;-)
Haha, hopefully not as I give blood!

If the D1 are anything like the 1SC, they'll be fabulous. To be honest, if I was buying for my current lounge (rather than my last house) I suspect I'd have gone for the 1SC/D1 for the extra bass.

Did you find much difference between the Spendor S3e and SA1?
What about the tiny A5? I know they're floorstanders but they're tiny!

Keep us posted
Got 2 new kittens and they dont like the metal stands, where they atack anything that is wood, so floor standers out of the question.

Will get a home demo of the SA1's as well and see what they sound like. I am hoping they sound sublime as the GF has her heart set on them after she saw the picture you put up and the zebrano in the shop. Her exact words were "they look quite cute on those funny stand things, they even match eachother...." Tried to explain about it and they would cost a 3rd of the actual speaker costs, and she said in her wisdom "for a piece of wood, bet you could do something like that if you polished some wood like the window surround you have just done..."

My answer was...... well it is not going to be printed so wont even bother to write it!

The s3e are a lot smoother and more dead if this makes sense, not as lively. Pipe and slippers that works well with the Cyrus kit. The cyrus may not go with the proac, but we shall wait and see.

lol, love it. You could knock up wooden speaker stands on the side and sell 'em on ebay. Simples

The stands really do make them a bit expensive. Don't get me wrong, I felt the improvements were excellent but then I only paid £250 delivered. Hey, there's every reason to think that the Proacs will be ideal. I'm not sure if the dealer in question has them but the Tablette Reference 8 Signature is rear ported and actually works quite well near a back wall. They image stunningly and also might actually be enough in such a position.

Blimey, I hope your dealer has a LWB transit van!


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