I remember myself of my test run of the ProAC D18. I had, before, tested out a lot of speakers in the market. And, especially in the price area of those ProAc, I wasn't very pleased with the contestants. I found a lot of them to lack details, or, in short, to be musical compromise for a lot of bucks.
And i remember clearly that the ProAc where the worst compromise, for my tastes, of the whole bunch. There was simply too much music informations cut off from the rendering.
Basses where disappearing completely, to the point where timbalis and other electric basses where away from the recording.
Complex ensembles where suddenly thrown together in some horrendous melting pot, or, said with other words ; when the things became complicated, the box collapsed and started to simplify randomly many aspects of the music. Making it difficult to follow the heart of the mesage.
Music never was freed completely from the speakers, the lack of 3D scenery was obvious. And pan games between right and left were bad.
Highs where having it hard to just perform okay.
I can only see the medium to be a very good one. Very good expression of this one, and a good life like character too. But, even if he is good, he can't make me forget about the rest of the music beeing mulched around it.
It looks like, this kind of negative experience is only shared by few peoples. For the great majority of the consumers, those ProAc's seem to sound just fine.