Pro-Ject's feature-packed affordable stereo amp wants to be your gateway into hi-fi

i doubt a lot of Pro-Ject equipment for one reason ,

a friend of mine bought a almost 1.000€ turntable and sounded like i had never heard such a bad sound , no anti-skating or ground conection and a constant hum was listened ,

after he bought one very similar that had anti-skating with a hanging weight like some turntables from the past ,was still horrible,

but some years ago maybe 2022 i bought the same turntable with some kevlar speakers , a amplifier and a tube pre-amplifier all from pro-ject, with a 2Mred ortofon cartridge and stylus all for 150€ .

After i assembled it , i notice not a aceptable sound and said that i was going to sell it,

a younger man friend of my pro-ject turntable owner friend , told him about me wanting to sell all , to which he knocked at my door and after a small talk he tells me" i can´t give you more than 500€" i thought to my self "350€ profit, doing nothing?"

take it, i don´t mind loosing some money" and that´s my experience with Pro-ject material but i already listened to a Pro-Ject turntable sounding close to perfection, but taking amplifier and speakers ,real expensive ones ,he spent 14.000€ to make it sound like that,

between the turntable itself and the cartridge, but he´s filled with money,. he might be older and having a big fortune so he can spend without a blink of an eye 200.000€ in a new system,

just to listen if it´s good than he returns to his regular system, no problem and he ofered me so many expensive material that i almost have not space to store it,

as i have already a good .... .No several very good systems but i have a room or listening room that i change all each 6 or 7 monthes,

the last, i put everything i as using in boxes and installed a Exclusive series from Pioneer (70´s) , two M6 mono blocks a M3 control amplifier and a P3 turntable with a very nice MC cartridge AT from the 70´s to which i have at least 5 new stylus to put there,

and a PLC-590 from 20 series also Pioneer with a MM cartridge from Shure the VNP-15 stylus still have one either than the new one i put there in last month of April,

but those do not last some hours they last more and have a loud sound.

Also to record i put there a AKAi open reel deck from the 70´s that i liked it a lot a 4000 DS or close and a cassette deck the 700ZXL from nakamichi that i started to use again when my sister brought it from England repaired,

and a cd player ,the PD-9700 from pioneer also , it sounds very good,

i have a modern system in other room that sounsds very good but this 70´s system is amazing,

when i was in my 20´s m,y father wouldn´t let me play a record there or record a cassete in his Phase Linear 7000 series two,

a similar deck to the CT-A1 from early 80´s but built with good materials and a excelent design, a brand owned by Pioneer than disapeared.
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