Primare 121. Price?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Your amp list shows the Primare 121 as selling at 750. I auditioned this amp at a hifi dealer here in the Neths on Wed.where the price is 1150 Euros. When I questioned this the dealer contacted Primare who stated that the price in the UK is 1000, which would be correct for the current exchange rate. They said the the original launch price of 750 in UK was wrong and several improvements have since been made so that this is the latest model.

What is the correct current price at high-end HiFi dealers in the UK and what is your current view on the performance of Primare 121's latest model?
Could you give me the webb site of UK HiFi retailers stocking this model.
It's definitely around the £1,000 mark in the retailers I've seen, which is quite a hike from the original price, certainly. There are a lot of retailers who stock, it would depend whether you're looking for a particular area (Sveneoaks Kingston stock them for example)?

The list of UK dealers of Primare is on the distributor's website here
Our Buying Guide guru, Chris Gilson, is on the case, and will amend accordingly when he has confirmation from Primare.
The UK price indeed went up 200 pound a few months ago - I assume someone used an old exchange rate at the introduction.

You probably can get 10 percent off from the (recommended) UK shop where I bought my VDAC, but with transport + warranty issues it is probably not worth it.

Perhaps this:

is a 2nd hand alternative? They may sell it for less (the post is quite old).
Thanks a lot!. My mind is now at rest regards price, What hifi listed it at 1200 a couple of years ago and recommemded it as a part of a high-end HiFi system. but has the latest model been reviewed? I cant afford the higher spec Primare 131 (2000 euro) which gets 5 stars.
Thanks, but I have to buy here in the Neths were I live, so must pay 1150 Euro, but I dis have a 75 min private demo in the shop and will get a long home demo on Friday next. Hope I'm doing the right thing replacing my Audiolab 8000A whhich is now over 10 yrs old. If I don't hear an obvious improvement in all-round sound quality, the salesman is going to be quite annoyed.

Well, it is the salesman's risk, don't feel pushed in buying something you do not like. And if you are seriously looking for an improvement of your system and willing to spend this kind of budget, a serious salesman should be able to suggest other options. I doubt that another amp will then be a lot better in your situation, but who knows. You probably know that there is not much room for bargaining here in the Netherlands, but adding some decent cabling is worth a try (not that I think that would tip the balance in SQ).

What speakers will you be using? I am very happy with my A10, a significant improvement on my previous NAD, much more authority and control. And the build quality is excellent.

(BTW, The 2nd hand I listed at Hobo Enschede was the predecessor of the i30).
I purchased the i21 a month ago after extensive listening at home and comparisson to other amps in the same price region. The one I purchased sounded slightly better than the (older) demo amp. The amp got better over the years due to changes in the pcb layout and better sounding fuses. Only visible difference from the outside were the improved speaker connections. Imo the amp has g8 performance for the 1150 Euro I paid for it.


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