Pre to go with Quad 909


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Very close to buying a 909 with the 99 pre but was just wondering if theres anything better i could use? I demoed the 909 with the cdp2 which i loved but have no real use for a cd player and have been told that the 99pre is if anything slightly better anyway. Thanks
Do you expect to have long speaker cable runs? If not, perhaps you could try a passive pre like the Creek OBH-22 or something from Rothwell.
Hi no not long at all think the current runs are about 3-3.5m each.
I loved the sound from my 909/Cdp2 but it was bettered imo by a Rothwell passive pre - much more open and a bit less noisy. Don't forget the cdp2 also has inputs and so can be used as a good quality dac - that sonos would sound awesome. I wasn't mad on the 99 pre - no better that the cdp and fiddly buttons.... although at least it has a volume control on the front panel - you've got to use the remote with cdp2.

Its more the length of the interconnects that are an issue that the speaker cable - sounds best at a metre or less. I can heartily reccomend trying a passive - seems to bring the best out of the 909.
Is there a particular model of Rothwell you would recommend? i like the cdp2 but really dont have a use for it unless i sold my dacmagic to use the dac in that 95% of my cds are boxed up anyway. so could i use the 909 just with the Rothwell without problem? All my interconnects are definitely a metre or less.
I think any passive pre would be fine but as Iggs mentioned elsewhere a model with a stepped attenuator is probably best. The Rothwell Indus SE is top of the range (£799) but I think they might still sell the older model for £699. I bought an previous model for £150 second hand and its the best money I've ever spent.

If your budget will stretch theres a music first passive on ebay at the mo - I know Ray on here thinks very highly of his.
Its more the length of the interconnects that are an issue that the speaker cable

...of course! I'm being stupid!