pre/power advice


New member
Apr 10, 2014
hi all, am in the market for a pre/power amp set up,dealers here in edinburgh are a bit thin on the ground,brands they stock(naim,quad,audiolab,cyrus,primare,lavardin,arcam),my budget is 5k,dont really want to buy from etailer as i want to audition before i buy,any suggestions,help,advise would be gratefully appreciated,thanks


New member
Jun 12, 2010
What many of this forum have said before: best just to listen and see what rocks your boat (the dealers you mentioned seem to have a pretty range of brands). 5K is a lot of dough, so listen wide and listen well. Take your music favourites, the albums you love and know well, and trust your own ears.


Jan 29, 2013
I would hope that any dealer seeing a dangling carrot of five grand in front of them would supply you with some very good gear indeed.

have you got any idea of what brands you like? or have listened to in the past?

when you've spent your five grand, what exactly are your expectations? what do you hope you will have ?


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2002
daveg67 said:
hi all, am in the market for a pre/power amp set up,dealers here in edinburgh are a bit thin on the ground,brands they stock(naim,quad,audiolab,cyrus,primare,lavardin,arcam),my budget is 5k,dont really want to buy from etailer as i want to audition before i buy,any suggestions,help,advise would be gratefully appreciated,thanks

If you're interested, you could try a pair of these on a two week home loan < >. I've not done so yet, but will do in time. The pre is still in development unless this fits your needs < >.


New member
Jul 11, 2013
I heard a primare pre/power combo at the Bristol show (cant remember the models unfortunately) but fits your budget nicely. Not usually a soppy sod but it genuinely brought a tear to my eye listening to Anna Netrebko on the system. in my opinion it was a genuinely stunning set up. If you can get a demo I would highly recommend it!!


New member
Apr 30, 2012
There are a few hifi dealer's in Edinburgh.

loud and clear

hifi corner


james morrow

Also if your able to travel you have dealers in glasgow. In fact the central belt is well served for hifi.


New member
Jan 7, 2009
I recommend to get in touch with Audio Emotion and try some active speakers. This way your power amps are matched to speakers by design.


New member
Jan 7, 2009
I recommend to get in touch with Audio Emotion and try some active speakers. This way your power amps are matched to speakers by design.

Al ears

Well-known member
stavvy said:
I heard a primare pre/power combo at the Bristol show (cant remember the models unfortunately) but fits your budget nicely. Not usually a soppy sod but it genuinely brought a tear to my eye listening to Anna Netrebko on the system. in my opinion it was a genuinely stunning set up. If you can get a demo I would highly recommend it!!

I'd second the audition of a Primare pairing too as I've run one in the past. Build and sound quality are A1.

Not too sure if Anna Netrebko would do the same for me though. :)

Hificrazie's suggestion is a sound one although this is often extremely difficult to get to audition.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2002
ifor said:
daveg67 said:
hi all, am in the market for a pre/power amp set up,dealers here in edinburgh are a bit thin on the ground,brands they stock(naim,quad,audiolab,cyrus,primare,lavardin,arcam),my budget is 5k,dont really want to buy from etailer as i want to audition before i buy,any suggestions,help,advise would be gratefully appreciated,thanks

If you're interested, you could try a pair of these on a two week home loan < >. I've not done so yet, but will do in time. The pre is still in development unless this fits your needs < >.

Slee dealer in Edinburgh is Hi Fi Corner, but you would probably get a longer home loan period through the pre and Owner's Club forum.


New member
Apr 24, 2013
hifikrazy said:
Like I've always recommended... If you can, go with a valve preamp and solid state power amp.

I have found that this route can be fraught with danger.

It seems to be a very either/or situation in my experience.

Either the combinations come together rather nicely and you get a pairing that gives you a big slice of the best of both worlds,

Or it falls apart in a fairly spectacular mess........ :doh:

I have heard plenty of examples that fall into both camps.

In a sense my main system is a fairly extreme hybrid, my CD player has basic digital pre-amp functions including digital volume and my amplifier is a very simple EL34 integrated that is used with the volume pre-set. Completely the opposite of your recommendation of course, but it does sound rather fine.


New member
Aug 9, 2007
Of course you could try to go with the same brand for both. For example, Conrad Johnson have valve preamps and solid state power amps under one roof. Audio Research have valve preamps, and also digital power amps and solid state power amps.


New member
Apr 24, 2013
hifikrazy said:
Of course you could try to go with the same brand for both. For example, Conrad Johnson have valve preamps and solid state power amps under one roof. Audio Research have valve preamps, and also digital power amps and solid state power amps.

Indeed they do, I used an ARC D400 to drive my Martin Logan CLS11z with initially an LS2.

I found the LS2 rather 'grainy' with digital sources, so I tried several other pre-amps, finally settling on the cheap but excellent LS7.

I also used a Phono Stage 1 for a while so my signal path was Record Player > Solid state > Valve > Solid State > Electrostatics.

Al ears

Well-known member
hifikrazy said:
Of course you could try to go with the same brand for both. For example, Conrad Johnson have valve preamps and solid state power amps under one roof. Audio Research have valve preamps, and also digital power amps and solid state power amps.

Good point but possibly bad example. The OP states he wants to audition before he buys, highly unlikely he can find either of your examples nearby (correction Audio Research can be found in Kilmarnock) and he will not be able to buy a pair from either unless he goes second hand.

bill reid

New member
Dec 12, 2012
Hi there.i,m a bit surprised at your comment.hIficorner have a good choice of preamps.i no I'm currently searching for one myself.if only I was local I'd be their trying out there classe cp800.


New member
Apr 10, 2014
have to admit i love the look of conrad johnson amps but getting an audition would be impossible i think,only place i've seen them for sale online is ebay from lotus hifi

Al ears

Well-known member
bill reid said:
Hi there.i,m a bit surprised at your comment.hIficorner have a good choice of preamps.i no I'm currently searching for one myself.if only I was local I'd be their trying out there classe cp800.

Not too sure if your comment was directed at me but although hificorner do indeed stock a good selection they do not stock either manufacturers I was commenting on. Your suggestion of Classe equipment would also, as OP has pointed out, would not be within his budget.

the record spot

AlmaataKZ said:
I recommend to get in touch with Audio Emotion and try some active speakers. This way your power amps are matched to speakers by design.

Limited range. Better off going to Red Dog Music in the Grassmarket - more on offer. Albeit, pro audio.


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