pre amp to be used with audiolab 8000p


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi. I'm contemplating to get an audiolab 8000p. Thinking of using creek obh-22 as the preamp, but the price is too steep and considering a used cyrus 3 as preamp. Will any or both work? My current setup is Thorens TD150mk2 turntable>Pro-ject tube box 2> Kenwood KA4040R> Monitor audio PMC702.

Would appreciate all help.

Thank you.
Hi Nizamz - what's the budget? There's some good deals on the outgoing Audiolab 8000 series pre-amps, around £300 in some places. Or you might find an original UK built one on Ebay for around half that.
Hi. Forgot to mention, i live in malaysia. My budget for a preamp (preferably with a remote) would be up to £200 since unfortunately good deals in ebay UK won't ship to malaysia. Used cyrus & audiolabs can be found here but at a premium, aside from those two reputable names, the others would be way beyond my budget. too many hobbies.
I use an AVI S2000MP that I got for £150 and it works extremely well. They tend to go on ebay for about £200-£250. Gramophone called it an Audio Classic.
Thanks igglebert. But like i said earlier, near impossible for me to get stuff shipped from the uk to malaysia. Anyways, think i've changed my mind now. I'm going for either a cyrus IIIi with cyrus poweramp or cyrus 8 or 8vs only. Hope anybody can tell me what he/she thinks of this choice.
