Power Problems

Dr Beat

New member
Sep 15, 2008
Hi All

If my electricity/current supply from the mains is unstable, ie has surged/spikes., would a power regulator solve the problem? as it is, my amp has blown twice from what the retailer said caused by power surges from my current. As is, the amp uses a RA powerkord, and connected to the mains point through a Tacima 929. Yet it still blows. Anyone knows why? If i should add a power regulator, will this affect the sound of the system? Is there one that fits for IEC plugs?Anyone with the same problem or knows a solution?

Thanks for any advice.

I believe that Russ Andrews supply mega-clamps or superclamps or something like that - which are designed to protect against surges. Then can either be bought on their own, or integrated in to cables/powerblocks, so I suggest you give them a ring and explain your situation. If they say 'yes' it will help - then I imagine you can buy safely in the knowledge that if it does not work, you can get a refund.

I guess it will partly come down to exactly what the cause is though - and if it is actually spikes/surges or something else faulty.
most prob a dumb question, but dont most amps have some form of internal cut-out protection in case of power surges?
It might not be a hi-fi soloution as such, but why not try a surge protection system such as a Belkin Surgemaster or similar? Belkin offer cover for over £100,000 worth of attached kit should it come to any harm.
If I designed an amplifier that blew each time there was a slight mains surge I would lose my job, sounds like the amp design is faulty.


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