Power cable


New member
Jan 26, 2010
This might seem like a stupid question but I guess I will ask it anyway.

I purchased a What Hi Fi Subsciption and part of the deal was a Chord HDMI cable( Which made me purchase this ) which I dont need but I thought would be better than my cambridge audio one so would try it and see if any better I am guessing that to get the best out of this would need two 1 from blu ray to amp then another to amp to tv to get best results but i thought would just by pass amp to see if picture was any better if it was would just buy another !

To my surprise tonight I have recieved a power cable which is the current offer which is worth more money but not what I wanted. I thought maybe I should try this before I ring up and have a moan, But is very difficult to get to my power cable and as i have a two metre plus ext lead with 8 plug on it am i going to get a bennerfit from this power cable?

Sorry bit long but tried to explain best can for the record I have Denon av1910 panasonic BD60 Sharp 37 lcd


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2008
So you went for a subscription to get an HDMI and got the next offer which is a power cord instead? Can you try out the power cord or does that mean splitting packaging? Would you rather try and swap the power cord for the HDMI? That will depend on whether WHF have any left and cost of postage.

As to which will give you the most benefit, HDMI or power cord, I am afraid I am not sure as different systems produce different results.


New member
Jan 26, 2010
So you went for a subscription to get an HDMI and got the next offer which is a power cord instead? Can you try out the power cord or does that mean splitting packaging? Would you rather try and swap the power cord for the HDMI? That will depend on whether WHF have any left and cost of postage.

As to which will give you the most benefit, HDMI or power cord, I am afraid I am not sure as different systems produce different results.
yes you have got it spot on ! I just don't see how a power coard can make that much difference espacially as I am using a 3 metre exstension lead


plug it in and see, if its no good sell it on e-bay, sorted?


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2008
The last few meters into your component is what is important. Further down the transmission line does not really matter. A good power cord removes the effects of EMI and RFI and very importanly provides a good quality connection between the extension (in your case) and the component. How much of an effect that will have depends on how good a cable you are using at the moment.


New member
Jan 26, 2010
Thanks for the replies good advice as always from this forum

The packaging was not sealed just a cable in a jiffy bag so I guess I will try and see if i can see the difference

I will let you know if I get any improvment


New member
Jan 26, 2010
To be honest I cant hear the difference I will try with some movies and see if it looks any better but what the hell it was free !! and i have read that new HDMI leads will be able to take sound back from TV to reciever as at the moment you phones leads to do this so might invest in one of these instead, Can anyone confirms this works

Thanks again for the help



To be honest I cant hear the difference I will try with some movies and see if it looks any better but what the hell it was free !! and i have read that new HDMI leads will be able to take sound back from TV to reciever as at the moment you phones leads to do this so might invest in one of these instead, Can anyone confirms this works

Thanks again for the help

I believe you need the latest HDMI v 1.4 to allow sound back from the TV

As said before HDMI must be the worst conceved and designed interface ever, total consumer rip off having to continually upgrade.

Heads should roll , but they'll probably get bonuses


As said before HDMI must be the worst conceved and designed interface ever, total consumer rip off having to continually upgrade

If you had said "implemented" instead of "designed" I might agree.

However, HDMI is a shedload better than SCART or component, and who says you have to continually upgrade?

Although I'm not going to buy the concept of spending a used car's worth of money on an HDMI cable is going to transform my home cinema setup into my own private Leicester Square, a cheap HDMI cable is likely to be as good (or as poor) as any other cheap product (e.g. phono leads from Asda) you buy. A reasonable price (up to what? 30 quid or so?) HDMI cable, maybe the right 30 quid HDMI cable should perform just fine.


Darren Heal:

As said before HDMI must be the worst conceive and designed interface ever, total consumer rip off having to continually upgrade

If you had said "implemented" instead of "designed" I might agree.

However, HDMI is a shedload better than SCART or component, and who says you have to continually upgrade?

Although I'm not going to buy the concept of spending a used car's worth of money on an HDMI cable is going to transform my home cinema setup into my own private Leicester Square, a cheap HDMI cable is likely to be as good (or as poor) as any other cheap product (e.g. phono leads from Asda) you buy. A reasonable price (up to what? 30 quid or so?) HDMI cable, maybe the right 30 quid HDMI cable should perform just fine.

Thanks for the reply

I stand by the design statement as because these cables are so chunky they do not have a tight fit in the socket and appear loose, can fall out , resulting in Handshake problems

Some manufacturers now make them hinged to alleviate the strain on the socket , my view is that the cable socket design should be captured , giving a solid connection.

And yes you do have to upgrade for the requirements of different bit rates 3D etc.hence why v1.4

Monster cable give free HDMI upgrade for life for this reason

HDMI is a I'll conceived and implemented format, hated by many


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