Portable Digital Radio


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Does anybody know where I can find a good review and comparison for portable DAB radios? I can't find an up to date one (May 08).

Any help very much appreciated.
What sort of DAB radio are you looking for (battery; mains; portable; desktop etc) and at what kind of price? Let us know and we can detail many options (our Buyer's Guide in any issue will of course do the same)...
Hi Clare

I'm looking for a portable DAB radio - headphones type solution. Budget up to £100 say. Am considering the Pure Digital DAB 1500 - that's the kind of thing I am after.

Will also get a copy of your mag to see.

Hi Bob,

Pure's is indeed the best portable we've seen/heard, though even it isn't perfect - DAB reception can be tricky on the move, and requires decent reception. Its back-up FM tuner is a must, as its rechargeable Chargepak battery-pack, as DAB is power-intensive.
Thanks Clare - I'll give it a go - but I can't wait for digital to get a bit better and slightly more reliable than it is now.
[quote user="bobsaver"]

Hi Clare

I'm looking for a portable DAB radio - headphones type solution. Budget up to £100 say. Am considering the Pure Digital DAB 1500 - that's the kind of thing I am after.

Will also get a copy of your mag to see.



Bob, I have the Pure DAB 1500, its really good. Prior to that I had a sony effort which really didnt live up to its £150 price tag, especially when I got the Pure on ebay for about 50 quid.

With the Sony I could hardly get a signal anywhere, and I mean anywhere. The Pure has a strong signal, I can even use it on the train (although it does drop out in some places). Its not perfect, but I am unsure of any portable DAB that is. I would highly recommend it.


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