Good point Al13N about mixing slogans with science. (I am happy to have WHF involvement in debates).
RA have run into trouble as they insinuated a cause and effect. That goes on far too often now a days with bad science and it invariably involves selling something from diet pills to cables.
For example a cable maker states 'made with 100% oxygen free copper' and then talks of 'improved bass' and 'detail'. But where is the actual link? It is only suggestion.
To go further with the need to suggest cables make improvements rather than provide any actual evidence here is what a company have to say about their top interconnect cable,
'the most advanced cable technology .... ever developed, and
are the culmination of over five years of intensive research.'
No detail as to what the research was. Then the advert states,
'The audio .... community has been staggered by the massive musical
improvements available .... greater and more fundamental than
anybody ever suspected could come from a "mere" cable, struggling to
come to terms with a new reality.'
So no science, only impressions. If I spent so long doing the science and then relied on impressions to sell my cables, something must be up with the science. Actually what is needed to sell the cable is not science, it is marketing and suggestion.
great post idc