
Well-known member
Nov 23, 2007
I heard a pair of DB1i monitors today with the same Arcam electronics and Chord cables as I have at home and I was astonished at what the A18 and CD17 are capable of with a really good pair of speakers. The PMCs are incredible. Tight, controlled, musically involving, excellent soundstaging and incredible realistic instrumental and vocal timbre. I also heard the Dynaudio DM2/6 with the Arcams, but the combination didn't work. I think the Dyns need a more robust sounding amp, although I could again hear what good speakers the DM2/6s are. The other speakers I heard were the MA RX1s. A much better match than the Dyns and extremely impressive for the price but light years behind the PMCs if truth be told. Would be very interested to hear views from PMC owners or, indeed, anybody who has/likes a similar compact speaker.
matthewpiano:I heard a pair of DB1i monitors today with the same Arcam electronics and Chord cables as I have at home and I was astonished at what the A18 and CD17 are capable of with a really good pair of speakers. The PMCs are incredible. Tight, controlled, musically involving, excellent soundstaging and incredible realistic instrumental and vocal timbre. I also heard the Dynaudio DM2/6 with the Arcams, but the combination didn't work. I think the Dyns need a more robust sounding amp, although I could again hear what good speakers the DM2/6s are. The other speakers I heard were the MA RX1s. A much better match than the Dyns and extremely impressive for the price but light years behind the PMCs if truth be told. Would be very interested to hear views from PMC owners or, indeed, anybody who has/likes a similar compact speaker.

You know my views of DB1is and Arcam...
I think the DB1s are OK. They'd be great if the bass ever caught up with what the rest of the speaker was doing. A chance missed in my book.
Grottyash:I think the DB1s are OK. They'd be great if the bass ever caught up with what the rest of the speaker was doing. A chance missed in my book.

What alternatives would you suggest Grottyash?
Dynaudio, which you mentioned. It's not just PMC, by the way, Maybe it's my hearing, but I find transmission line bass a bit slow. I'd rather have less, but tighter.
Grottyash:Dynaudio, which you mentioned. It's not just PMC, by the way, Maybe it's my hearing, but I find transmission line bass a bit slow. I'd rather have less, but tighter.

The problem with Dynaudio is that it doesn't seem to match well with the Arcam amp, certainly on the basis of hearing the DM2/6. They sounded boomier than the PMCs and less open/detailed, largely I think because they are better suited to a higher current design than the A18.
Grottyash:Dynaudio, which you mentioned. It's not just PMC, by the way, Maybe it's my hearing, but I find transmission line bass a bit slow. I'd rather have less, but tighter.

I heard the Dynaudio 52s with the Arcam A80 and it sounded a little flat. Both Dyns and A80 were decent equipment, but just didn't seem to have the synergy (gawd I hate that word
matthewpiano:I heard a pair of DB1i monitors today with the same Arcam electronics and Chord cables as I have at home and I was astonished at what the A18 and CD17 are capable of with a really good pair of speakers. The PMCs are incredible. Tight, controlled, musically involving, excellent soundstaging and incredible realistic instrumental and vocal timbre. I also heard the Dynaudio DM2/6 with the Arcams, but the combination didn't work. I think the Dyns need a more robust sounding amp, although I could again hear what good speakers the DM2/6s are. The other speakers I heard were the MA RX1s. A much better match than the Dyns and extremely impressive for the price but light years behind the PMCs if truth be told. Would be very interested to hear views from PMC owners or, indeed, anybody who has/likes a similar compact speaker.

Suggestion: Monitor Audio GS10s. Fabulous speaker and as it's being replaced by a new range, should be some real bargains flying around. I have seen them as low as £500 on auction sites.
Matthew - if you're looking for new speakers for your Arcams, I recommend you try the Acoustic Energy AE1 classics. My mate uses these on the end of his CD192 + A90 and they produce a really lovely sound.
I echo Grottyash's remarks. Maybe, just maybe if you shove silly amounts of current up them things are spot on.

Try the Spendor SA1. Superb.

In fact, as others have said before (JD), the AVI Neutrons are up there too but for £400. A less coloured and romantic sound but good. The Spens might suit your tastes more but are rather more expensive.
You see, I just didn't find the bass on the PMCs slow or over-blown at all. Quite the opposite. Driven by the A18 they sound tight and rhythmic - much more so than the MA RX1s or the Dynaudio DM2/6 to be honest. After the other two, the PMC speakers were quite a revelation.
It's all relative, Matthew. Properly controlled bass sounds lacking to begin with if you're used to colour and/or bloom.

Anyway, whatever makes you get into the music!
matthewpiano:JohnDuncan:And you know my views on DB1s and Arcam (not necessarily at the same time)...

Sorry JD, can you please remind me????

Loved my db1+, find arcam amps a bit flat unless they're over a grand or have a power amp added.

Don't agree with comments above re: bass, I loved it - better than Neutron Vs in terms of extension and not flabby at all, though from a value point of view I'd say the AVIs absolutely trump the PMC.
I'll nail my tuppence worth to the sticking post: In a word, when it comes to Arcam the PMCs are as good as it gets. I've heard it with the A18 and CD17 as well as the A65 and it's a revelation. Well controlled bass, highly detailed and a fantastic 3D sound. The only downside is the inflated price of the DB1s, hence why I brought the MA GS10s into the equation.
Thanks. That confirms my own thoughts. I do think that after the 'revelation' of the PMCs I might struggle to be satisfied with much else, although the AVI Neutron Vs don't look like a bad option with the downsides that I would struggle to hear them first and I'm not as keen on their glossy black finish as the wood finishes of the PMCs.

This isn't quite imminent yet, but I now know that as good as the Lektors are, my system deserves much better and that moving up to something like RX1s isn't going to be worthwhile in the long run.
I know it's been said, but just to reiterate: do try Proac, too. The Studio 110/115 should be great, -- I've got the Response 1SC, which are too good for tha A85, probably a temporary solution. It sounds great but very polite. If you're listening mostly to small scale classical, you'd be alright, but it lacks a bit of oomph! The Studios might have that little extra, and they're cheaper.

Tight punchy bass, although I do miss the visceral bass you get from a larger box and sometimes wish it went a bit deeper, but the compromise is pretty good and it lets you know what's going on down there.

Amazing soundstaging and air around the performers which I imagine the Arcam kit would build on even further. SOunds are very 3d and natural, particularly vocals and acoustic stuff, but that might be down to my other kit because that is where it shone with the B&W 685s too.

Balanced, a little warm, nice crisp detailed treble. Bass suffered (bloomy, slow, didn't go as deep) when I used biwire jumpers rather than the supplied links. I haven't experimented too much, but the bass timing also seemed to vary depending on the distance from the back wall. I prefer them either really close (15cm or less) or at least 30cm out. In between wasn't so satisfactory, but that may have been down to room acoustics and the jumpers.
MP, have you considered a sealed box design? If you're looking for a less bloomy bass, these speakers can go some way to meeting those requirements. Not sure what's out there in the market right now in your price range, but they could be well worth some consideration.
I use the PMC DB1is with a Musical Fidelity A1 amp (latest version, now discontinued) and love the combination. Tight controlled bass and plenty of midrange/treble detail.

Someone said the speaker is overpriced but I disagree - you'd be hard-pressed to find better performance at the price. They are reasonably sensitive and easy to drive so the 36W A1 has no problems. They are also occasionally plugged into my Naim Uniti and work fine as well.

Incidentally, I also own the Spendor SA1 and Harbeth P3ESR. Both very different from the PMCs - the Spendor is possibly the most musical of the lot but like the P3ESR needs power so both don't work as well with the A1 or the Uniti. Instead, I use a Naim pre-power combo with these 2 speakers in rotation.

I use the PMC DB1is with a Musical Fidelity A1 amp (latest version, now discontinued) and love the combination. Tight controlled bass and plenty of midrange/treble detail.

Someone said the speaker is overpriced but I disagree - you'd be hard-pressed to find better performance at the price. They are reasonably sensitive and easy to drive so the 36W A1 has no problems. They are also occasionally plugged into my Naim Uniti and work fine as well.

Incidentally, I also own the Spendor SA1 and Harbeth P3ESR. Both very different from the PMCs - the Spendor is possibly the most musical of the lot but like the P3ESR needs power so both don't work as well with the A1 or the Uniti. Instead, I use a Naim pre-power combo with these 2 speakers in rotation.

That was me that mentioned over-inflated price. The reason I said that is because at £770 it was a brilliant buy, now with a £200 price hike will put it beyond most peoples budget. At £900 there are others that are better value.
plastic penguin:

That was me that mentioned over-inflated price. The reason I said that is because at £770 it was a brilliant buy, now with a £200 price hike will put it beyond most peoples budget. At £900 there are others that are better value.

Just out of interest PP, what speakers do you think represent better value around £900?

Also, I haven't checked recently but the DB1is must be over £1000 now with the latest VAT rise, anyone seen a recent price?