Please help with dilema


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Aug 10, 2019
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I am emigrating to Australia soon from the UK and will be taking my Hi Fi with me. I have a few thousand CDs to take also but my dilemma is this. I've been researching ways to get internet radio once I get to Oz and have decided to get the Squeezebox duet. Now I have realised that if I invested the money it would take to transport all the CDs to Australia in a DAC for £500 or so there would be no excuse at all to take my CDs with me, would there? My current CD player, an Exposure 2010, costs around £600 new so a Squeezebox/£500 DAC combination would probably sound better?

Is my thinking correct? Do I need to sell my beloved CD collection?

Any advice?


Well-known member
I would not bother with the Duet. just the regular squeeze box does the job as well if not better.

if you want a fancy controller then the ipod touch/phone and other things can do that.

a few 1000 CD will take up a bit of space 1TB+? and will take some time to rip but I would get started and get the discs sold...


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Mar 15, 2008
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Have to disagree with that. What is the point of paying extra for an itouch when the duet does the job better. Controlling a sb classic with an itouch will not have anything like the user friendliness of a sb duet - in fact if using an itouch then forget the sb altogether and get a mac mini.

To the original poster - I would say it depends on when you are emigrating....

Ripping a few thousand cd's can take months of your spare time. Ripping services can do it for you but are not cheap and might even cost as much as you would get for selling your cd's anyway! I guess it depends on how much time you have and how much other stuff you are taking.

As regards the Duet, it is a fantastic bit of equipment and when playing lossless files sounds pretty good with it's own dac (as good as, if not better than my rotel rcd-02). With a quality dac it will beat pretty much any cd player, as will a mac mini server or a sonos system using the same dac.....

Get whichever one you are most happy using. For me the sb duet beats itunes/mac mini/itouch and represents much better value. Apparently people rave about the sonos though so might be worth trying.

Just remember - if you sell your cd's back everything up on two HD's and keep them seperate from eachother (both physically and network wise) and to be extra sure back your HD's onto dvd or bluray too.

Good luck with the move!
