I recently changed the setting on my sub to filter off all frequencies above 50Hz which has improved the bass 10 fold!! However I am having trouble correctly setting this correctly for 5;1....By using the crossover settings on my amp I cannot lower the crossover frequency below 80Hz which filled my room full of muddy bass with delay issues through my sub. However now I have filtered this off the whole sound is improved with much deeper impact bass though the sub.
That said will I now be missing all frequencies between 50 and 80Hz on the LFE 1) channel ?? I know If I set the sub to OFF it will send the LFE to my L and R speakers, but is there any way of sending LFE to the main speakers while keeping the Sub on (My amp is a DENON AVR2808) Ideally I would like the LFE to be put through my main speakers but with my sub re enforcing below 50Hz
Is this posible ???
That said will I now be missing all frequencies between 50 and 80Hz on the LFE 1) channel ?? I know If I set the sub to OFF it will send the LFE to my L and R speakers, but is there any way of sending LFE to the main speakers while keeping the Sub on (My amp is a DENON AVR2808) Ideally I would like the LFE to be put through my main speakers but with my sub re enforcing below 50Hz
Is this posible ???