Please help me help a friends aged Linn system


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Aug 10, 2019
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i have a friend who has a very expensive(about £10,000 worth) but aged (12 years)Linn system and the DAC has just given up the ghost. he contacted Linn who recommended he replace both his transport and dac with a new one box solution like the Majik.
considering the cost involved i suggested he should consider keeping the transport and trying it with something like the CA DACMagic.
would this be a good idea or would he need to go for a more high-end DAC? also, the Linn transport has DIN plugs and the DACMagic doesnt - i know you can get ICs that convert DIN to phono but is there one specifically for Linn (i know that some Quad Din-to-phono ICs wont work with Naim)?

thanks very much in advance.

the record spot

Reckon the DACMagic will be a backward step given the relative cost of the Linn. Linn would of course recommend upgrading to their Majik, however, if that price is out of the question for him, he could try Stello's SA100 Signature (£650) which is a belter for the money. Use the Linn transport for now and then upgrade to something like the Cyrus XT when the funds permit. Or if they permit already, audition those two now!


thanks TRS. i thought with the advance in DACs over the years that even a relatively cheap one like the DACMagic would be ok as a replacement for an old DAC....

any one else with some input please?

John Duncan

Well-known member
I've banged on about this a lot, but I'll summarise: I think the DACMagic is damn good, and you could do a lot worse, irrespective of price - at least it would get you going again for small outlay, and I continue to contend that the transport is the half of the duo that appears to influence the sound more than the DAC.

Borrow one if you can, if your mate goes "no, not nearly as good", then he needs to up his sights a bit.


terrific, thanks JD. i guess with Richer Sounds 2 week trial period there isnt much to loose...

any idea about the DIN to Phono lead though?


ifitsoundsgoodlistentoit:any idea about the DIN to Phono lead though?

You can find these relatively easily, or give Chord a buzz they'll knock you one up.

Alternatively I have a Gotham one with your name on it...ÿ

John Duncan

Well-known member
ifitsoundsgoodlistentoit:i guess with Richer Sounds 2 week trial period there isnt much to loose...

I've still to see evidence of that on their website, but worth a go.

See above re DIN/Phono (except the Gotham bit - even I can't recommend them for 10 grand's worth of stereo.....


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