Not sure definitions of powered/active are very useful to the OP. Mind you, not sure what I'm about to write will be much use either!
relocated said:
If you love your Grado head-fi then you will definitely like the AVI ADM 9 ACTIVE speakers.
See, that's what I was told about the ADM9s - but you know what, I didn't really like them that much at all. I get all the pros, but the sound just wasn't for me. They're perfectly fine speakers, and much more than that besides, but I found the sound a little thin, lacking in bass and I think I can do better with a mix of new/ex-demo/second hand to please my ears. Admittedly the ones I heard were not the current model, and without the sub.
relocated said:
As to longevity and satisfaction, there are numerous people who have swapped multi-thousand pound systems for ADM 9s and have no interest in upgrading or tweaking.
Hmm, pretty sure I've seen numerous people on forums selling their older ADM9s for the ADM9.1s then the ADM9Ts and now the new Red Dots. Forgive me if I've got the models/order wrong there, I don't follow it too closely, but that's upgrading isn't it?
Having said that, if the OP can stretch his budget then the new ADM9 Red Dots, or whatever they are called, would probably be a very good choice bearing in mind he likes the idea of keeping box count down. Similarly, a cheaper option might be active monitors from Adam/Genelec/Acoustic Energy/Dynaudio etc. with Pro Audio DAC/controller of some kind.
In his position, I would probably track down some great deals on older second hand kit - Pioneer A400, Mission 753 or 752, Marantz CD 63 KI and either a Squeezebox Touch or Airport Express with a stack of cheap as chips cables and interconnects. With a bit of luck you could get that lot for well under £500. You could then work out what you liked/disliked about the set up, do the research from there to work out how to improve it all, and sell the bits you don't like for (hopefully) the same money as you bought them. Money left over to buy more music/go on holiday/treat your significant other to some nice meals out.
Hmm, maybe not.
It is confusing isn't it!
The ADM9s do keep things simple I guess!