Plasma / LCD above a working fireplace?


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2007

After all your advice on plasma size and placement we've decided to remodel the fire place thus enabling a plasma to go above it, but at a much lower height to achieve a suitable viewing angle.

However - this then begs another question - it's a real fire and I intend to use it in the winter. Would the heat and occasional overspill of smoke be harmful to a plasma or LCD?


[quote user="roger06"]
Would the heat and occasional overspill of smoke be harmful to a plasma or LCD?



If you have a good Draw for the Chimney then you should not encounter any over spill of smoke into the room, if however you do this can be caused by a back-draught from the wind outside but if you Cap your chimney pot you will stop this from happening. Also good advice to have your chimney swept regularly and avoid using any wood that is still GREEN!
For what it's worth - I popped into a fireplace shop and they spoke with one of their installers who said NO to a plasma over a solid fuel fire but OK with gas or leccy.

So I have to choose between a real fire and a well placed plasma... bummer.
[quote user="roger06"]
For what it's worth - I popped into a fireplace shop and they spoke with one of their installers who said NO to a plasma over a solid fuel fire but OK with gas or leccy.

So I have to choose between a real fire and a well placed plasma... bummer.


Bummer indeed! I have both a Real Fireplace and a lovely 50"" Plaz which lucky enough for Me fit perfectly into my Lounge. Gas fires dont compare to the real thing in the slightest, but I am curious as to why the Fireplace shop has said a definate no to placeing your Plaz above a real fire. I installed a 42"" Plaz above my freinds solid fuel burning stove and He has never experienced any poblems from either, the only thing we had to do was channel all cables up the side of the chimney brest and accross the top of the mantel.

A well maintained working Open fire should not spill any unwanted smoke into you living space which could if persistant cause damage to your screen. For example when was the chimney last swept? There is a cost effective kit that you can buy to test the efficiency of the Draw of your chimney which is basically a sort of smoke bomb, Like wise the actual chimney brest should not get a significant rise in temp that would damage your screen.
Maybe the point should be 'why put a screen ABOVE a fireplace in the first place.'

Now I know some homes have no choice but to put them high but I can see little point in spending good money on a tv only to mount it at a height that does it no favours. I can't stand these makeover shows that install tv's this way, it may look stylish but it must be bad for your neck to look up for hours on end.

For best results a screen should be mounted at eye level when sitting down. End of story, rant over, have a good weekend!!


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