Pick of the Month: LG’s smallest new OLED TV, Pro-Ject’s latest turntable and more earn five stars

My new LG tv is very nice and compatible that i have no doubt about your avaliation of this new release.

About new old style speakers , they do are good and the problem you refer is the reverse as old style speakers, are more compatible , new ones with less size and difrent shaped boxes are sometimes not the best to all types of sound,

i re-conected some old speakers i had and the sound quality increased a lot as the instalation of new speakers do matter and sometimes not done with perfection or close to it,

also most of the people don´t have a specified room for hi-fi instalation but a regular living room and results are far from what is heard in a good listening room.

About turntables some changed a lot like the turntables itself are built the simpler they can be and cartridges have inferioer quality to old ones ,that i know off , after the year 2000 ,

remenber the Rega 90´s turntables, the cartridge and stylus released at the time was not like today´s cartridges and sound wise it´s far from waht was regular or even cheap ones were several times better than todays cheaper cartridges ,

the use of pre-amplifier is a must have as with perfect built phono stages the sound of a MM highoutput is low to a level who makes it ridiculous,

i took a old cartridge with the complete head in a S-shaped arm and put there a new head with a new cartridge , the sound was almost unheardable compared to the old cartridge and stylus , a MM cartridge as it was the older one installed, only my opinion .

But while talking about old type gear it could be adressed the specifications of one compared to other and the diferencies in sound heard at first listening, it becomes very relative when saying the old designed speakers are not as good as new designed speakers , or why it can happen not refering to the main specifications of both ,when writting about them


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