Phillips TV low life


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2008
Ok, So if the phillips tvs have low life expetancies and most recommend getting a 5 year warranty... why are they so highly regarded, surely amongst picture and peformance etc, a TV lifespan should be taken into account? Kind of frustrating as I have no idea which 32 inch TV to go for. Especially one that would show me the full benefits of 1080p.
Did anyone say they have low life-expectancy? The point Clare was making was that the product cycle is ever shorter, not that the sets themselves will last less time in use...
As far as I'm aware Panasonic usually comes top in the table for reliability. I personally wouldn't purchase a flat panel without a 5 year warranty as nearly every brand has their own peculiarities and faults.

1080p on a 32"? Is it worth it? I would be looking at >37" for 1080p and more like 40"/42".
Andrew Everard:Did anyone say they have low life-expectancy? The point Clare was making was that the product cycle is ever shorter, not that the sets themselves will last less time in use...

Yeah, I wondered where the OP was coming from...!
skularatna:Ok, So if the phillips tvs have low life expetancies and most recommend getting a 5 year warranty... why are they so highly regarded, surely amongst picture and peformance etc, a TV lifespan should be taken into account? Kind of frustrating as I have no idea which 32 inch TV to go for. Especially one that would show me the full benefits of 1080p.

To confirm (as I did on the original thread yesterday!), I said many modern flatscreens are not long on the market before they get replaced - this is not to say that any of them (Philips or not) will wear out quickly.
It wasn't what Clare said.... It's what ive been reading on forums on the internet. I never implied that Clare said so, and i apologise if it came across like that.
Ok minor pickle aside, in your expert opinions, both Clare and Andrew, what is the minimum size TV I would need to get the benefits of 1080p at a maximum distance of 7.21 feet. The How to suggested between 1.2 and 2.3 metres a 32 inch, but again i've read that a 32 doesnt really show the benefits of 1080p?


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