Pedestal or Wall?


New member
Jan 21, 2008
Hopefully getting a TH-46PZ85 in a week or so. First big flat screen. Should I wall mount it or use the pedestal?
[quote user="PJPro"]Hopefully getting a TH-46PZ85 in a week or so. First big flat screen. Should I wall mount it or use the pedestal?[/quote]

I would have thought that`s down to your personal choice? If you wall mount it are you going to bury the cables in the wall or will you be happy with trailing wires all over the place?

Really down to personal choice Id say.
VooDoo Doctor - Just looking at your array of equipment! Where on earth do put all those cables!!!
The hi-fi is on a different wall of the room to the AV system. Bought some car cable tidy and tried to introduce some order to the jungle behind the AV rack. It's still not the tidiest but it's by no means terrible.
My only concern with wall mounting is, is the TV going to go too high for viewing? It seems to be fashionable to wall mount over a fireplace these days, but in my opinion, your TV is too high then and you'll be craning your neck to watch it. It might look good, but if you have to keep going to an osteopath instead of watching it, it doesn't sound great to me!

A pedestal on a proper AV stand tends to put the TV at an optimal viewing position (from a sofa anyway!), but then if you wall mount sensibly, then this won't be a problem!
Agreed, Prof.

Actually had a TV manufacturer call me the other day to ask what was the optimal height for the centre point of the screen, and apart from thinking 'Well, if you don't know...' I suggested that it should be at or just above eye-level for the most comfortable viewing experience.

I see far too many screens wall-mounted far too high - unless you have one of those reclining chairs, and can tilt the screen down to suit, you're asking for problems...


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