panny vs panny


New member
Aug 10, 2019
finally got the cash together to buy a new plasma, got a pioneer 43inch 6th gen at the min.

made my mind up on a panny either a 42v20 or a 46z1 now i can get one for less than 2grand. what are the differances between the two? obviously im gona be paying a fair bit more for the z1 but will i see the differance? the major one being style, the z1 is the best looking tv i would part cash with too own.

will be buying a decent bd player either a panny dmp 85 or pioneer 52, im guessing this will make a big differance over my old tv with dvd??
Hi,I cant comment on the v20 but have comparied vt20 to z1 and thought that the vt20 was just awsome!.(2D picture more depth of field and colours really stand out).
reviews suggest the v20 / vt20 to be better than the z series pana , but strangely enough , "the panasonic store" on here reckons , iirc , the z1 was better in a side by side comparisom instore ..
I bought a 42v20 after much deliberation. I looked at some older models, z1, X4600 etc, as well as new - but know I made the right choice for me. No regrets at all.

I'd only swap it for a Kuro 500 or an HX-903.

Either would cost easily more than double the Panasonic.

Take the reviews with a pinch of salt and judge for yourself with content you know.
if you want a 46inch tv what about the 46g20, that seems to get good reviews ignoring WHFand is similar in price with the 42v20. maybe someone can tell you the difference between the two, i have seen both in the shops and it is very hard to tell the difference with picture quality, i guess its down to the size you want.....
brettweir:ignoring WHF

How very dare you!
cheers guys for the comments im gona go for the v20 but thinking about a 50inch now lol


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