panny th37px80 burn in


New member
Aug 10, 2019
does any1 know how to check how many hours it has been on or do u just have to estimate for your burn in period???
There is a way to access the info via the service menu - I don't know how but recommend that you do not access this menu as it can void your warranty.

Don't get too hung up about running in. It is only an approximation and equates to 2 weeks to a month's viewing. Just make sure that contrast brightness and colour aren't too high for the first few weeks and don't leave a static image on screen for days on end.
I don't think there is such thing as a 'burn in' period. It is more of a precautionary measure you take to help the screen deal with those stupid bright logo's some of the tv channels like to plaster at the corner of the screen and for the screen to get warmed up or settled into the job it needs to do from factory mod.
Having the contrast and brightness down to 60% and about 45% respectively. This is what I did, then...
make sure the colour settings are about 50-55 and the other settings to Normal not Dynamic. Some go for Cinema setting as it gives a softer picture and is more ideal for helping the screen to run in as it were. But I chose Normal as it looks better and I have had no problem, but don't leave it on Sky Sports News whatever you do.
The recommended tools for teh best set-up are the 'Thx Optimizer' on star wars or some animation films. Most say the period for these settings to help the Tv should be around 100 hours but I am aiming for about half that which should be fine.
There are some who have not bothered and just plugged the x-box in with nice bright menu's and away they go which would worry me I think. Imagine a large X-BOX LOGO burnt in the screen, great advertising, lol.
Good Luck
If you still wanna check you do this...

"If your not sure how many hours
your set has done, liftup the frontflap of the set. hold down the v-
button, whilst holding the v- button, pickup the remote and push the
0(vcr) button 3 times in 1 second intervals. give it a couple of
seconds and it will bring up the service menu. DO NOT F*#* WITH ANY
OTHER SETTINGS, just look in the bottom right hand side for hours it will also tell you how many times you've switched on your set). Once you've noted the hours
used, just push power button on the front of the set to switch it off
or you can also press the EXIT button on the remote . Then when you
switch it on, it will all be back to normal."


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