Hi Everyone
Taking my first step into flatscreen ownership. Don't want subscription Sky or Virgin, therefor I have no sattelite dish. Comet currently doing a good online deal. Panny TX32LZD81 plus installation £620. Walked into Comet at 5pm ( Saturday ) to discuss with salesman, who promptly talked his company out of a sale by telling me that the Freesat receiver could not convert the HD signal into HD picture so lumbering me with SD picture only. Surely not !
Any advice would be greatly welcome. Thanks.
Taking my first step into flatscreen ownership. Don't want subscription Sky or Virgin, therefor I have no sattelite dish. Comet currently doing a good online deal. Panny TX32LZD81 plus installation £620. Walked into Comet at 5pm ( Saturday ) to discuss with salesman, who promptly talked his company out of a sale by telling me that the Freesat receiver could not convert the HD signal into HD picture so lumbering me with SD picture only. Surely not !
Any advice would be greatly welcome. Thanks.