Panasonic VT20 owners



The buzz is loud enough to bother you ?

In normal viewing conditions can you hear it ?

if the answer is no then dont worrie your set is just fine !


yeah it does get annoying. You can hear it loudly on normal viewing


well.. if you can hear it at a normal volume sound and if it is loud enough to bother you.. it seems to me that something is wrong ...

you should call tech assistant to help you fix the problem or if not possible exchange the unit .


thats what i was thinking if the buzz is suppose to be there you shouldnt be able to hear should you?


This is quote from Samsung but its the same for Panasonic , hope it helps :

A buzzing sound from your plasma TV is normal. It is caused by the electrical charges used to create the images on the screen. The buzzing, however, should not be so loud that you can hear it when the volume on the TV is set at normal levels.

It is also important to determine the type of buzzing sound. A sound like a ground hum is completely normal. This buzzing can originate near the power cord connection or from the SMPS board position on the upper back of the TV. The buzz will be more audible as contrast increases on the screen, most notably when displaying an all white screen. If the buzzing sound is loud, you may have the Contrast set too high. Lower the contrast to reduce or eliminate the buzzing.

You may also have loud buzzing if the rear of your Plasma TV is too close to a wall or other hard surface. Try moving your TV away from the wall until the buzzing is minimized.

If the buzzing is at a higher frequency and resembles a crackling sound (like the sound of Velcro being pulled apart), and originates from the upper middle back of the TV, you likely have a failing SMPS board. Place a support call to help you.


thanks for that info mate that helps. ive tried adjusting the contrast but that dont make a differance


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Jun 28, 2007
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Movie Man:I'm just asking the question does your VT20 buzz? mine seems to get worse on bright scenes?

All plasma screens buzz and it'salso normal for this buzz to get louder if the screen is brighter as it's using more power, this buzz tends to be worse on larger screens eg my Samsung 50" buzzes more than my older Panasonic 42". I tend to notice it more late at night with the volume low but don't really notice it at normal volume levels.


I just wanted to let you know that I recently started to notice the buzzing on my vt20. I have had it for 5 months or so and recently moved 2 weeks ago. Ever since I moved, I've noticed the buzzing. So I had a Panasonic technician come out and he basically told me that it was normal. I was surprised because of how loud it is, especially when there is a bright image. I have to turn the volume up just to avoid the buzz, but unfortunately I can still hear it. I told the guy that I didn't notice it at other places, but he tried to convince me it was the ambience, which is silly because I would have noticed it there too. I'm kind of annoyed, I spent a lot of money on something that buzzes! BTW I had a 2009 Panasonic Plasma and didn't have any problems at all, and that tv was in a similar space as my VT20. So to say that the buzzing is normal is kind of suspicious. Have you done anything since?


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Aug 31, 2010
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yes my vt20 buzzes and it gets louder depending on the contrast of the material on screen... the white/brighter the content.. the louder the buzzing... engineer says it due to higher power drain on power supply.. its annoying but i've gotten used to it by now..


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Mar 12, 2011
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Over the last 12 monthe I've had a 42G20, 2 50VT20's and 4 50G20's all of which had buzzing at different levels. The worst of the 50G20's were extremely bad and I found it difficult watching anything with bright images at normal listening levels and that was with the picture settings on THX. The 50G20 which I currently have is much better, with the variances in buzzing between dark and bright images much lower. The buzzing is at a much more constant level and generally quieter.

From my own experience, it seems as though the loudness of the buzzing varies from set to set. Some people are unlucky and end up with a "buzzer" whereas other sets don't present any discernible problems.


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