Panasonic th42px80 (1024x768) and 720p - please explain!


New member
Aug 10, 2019
How does this TV display 720p with a vertical resolution of 768 pixels? Does it constantly interpolate and degrade image quality or does it have black bands top and bottom, and only use 720 of the 768 lines?

I am almost convinced by this set, despite my friends telling me that I am an idiot for considering a plasma, and that I will be constantly irritated by a buzzing TV.

Yes, the TV's internal scaler will scale the image to fit the resolution. Some sets have a 'Just Scan' or '1:1' aspect mode, which will display the source material as is but otherwise your TV is scaling the image.
Most HD Ready sets (including LCDs) have 768 vertical pixels. (the 37PX80 has 720).
So if Just Scan 1:1 is on, then there will be black bars top and bottom and the tv will only use 720 of its 768 lines and otherwise it will scale to fill the whole screen.


If you have a pixel-for-pixel image then you will have slightly larger black bars at the top and bottom.

But as said above, a 768 horizontal resolution is pretty standard for HD-Ready screens, so not worth worrying about certainly!
jseaward:I am almost convinced by this set, despite my friends telling me that I am an idiot for considering a plasma, and that I will be constantly irritated by a buzzing TV.
My plasma doesn't buzz and it's nearly 3 years old.
My tv disconcertingly buzzed for approx 5 minutes after first turning it on but has been silent (or at least no discernable noise) since so I would ignore your friends. Great tv, great picture and surprisingly good sound. Pro Evo 2008 on my PS3 has been a dream, blu-rays fantastic and SD also superb. One hellava TV and extremely pleased I chose this over an LCD! Only down side is my wife's occasional moan that its too big but the deal was that as long as it fitted in the alcove we'd keep it - so keep it we will )


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