Panasonic BD35 discontinued????


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Sorry if I'm the only one who knows this but I've just been in to Sevenoaks S&V thinking of buying the BD35 Blu-ray player and the assistant told me it's been stopped (this was because, he said, they'd run out of parts - not sure if it works like that but . . .!). He couldn't say what was replacing it or when.

Should I buy one or wait for a month to see if there's a better replacement?

He also said that it won't upscale DVDs nor sound as good as my current Denon 1940 - any opinions on this?
That should read - 'the last one to know this' - which is usually the case!
As reported in news, there are new Panasonic BD players coming, and yes the current '35 and '55 models appear to be running out...
Is anbody else having a problem with panasonics website, i've just had a page come up saying the website is under maintenence.

or is it just me??

Edit. seems fine now.
Yes, it's always a good idea to look at 'News' first! Any thoughts on the BD35's DVD upscaling and sound abilities compared to the Denon 1940? And also whether I might as well just get the 35 or wait for its replacement?
Jarnesque:Yes, it's always a good idea to look at 'News' first!


Jarnesque:Any thoughts on the BD35's DVD upscaling and sound abilities
compared to the Denon 1940?

Ah, for that you need the Reviews section.

Jarnesque:And also whether I might as well just get
the 35 or wait for its replacement?

Who knows? Until we've reviewed the replacement, we really couldn't tell you.


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