oppo sonica dac


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luckylion100 said:
sorted your dac out?

Edit; it streams as well....

Further edit; If it had a headphone amp inbuilt I would have been very interested. ;-)

Ive ordered benchmark dac and now just seen this at over half price and streams also. Seems great value.


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Andrewjvt said:
luckylion100 said:
sorted your dac out?

Edit; it streams as well....

Further edit; If it had a headphone amp inbuilt I would have been very interested. ;-)

Ive ordered benchmark dac and now just seen this at over half price and streams also. Seems great value.

Does seem great value. Although I'm sure when you have the Benchmark you'll soon forget about the Sonica.

Half decent streamer needed for me too, althought probably not in your price bracket. Then decent headphones and I'm done. The end.


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luckylion100 said:
Andrewjvt said:
luckylion100 said:
sorted your dac out?

Edit; it streams as well....

Further edit; If it had a headphone amp inbuilt I would have been very interested. ;-)

Ive ordered benchmark dac and now just seen this at over half price and streams also. Seems great value.

Does seem great value. Although I'm sure when you have the Benchmark you'll soon forget about the Sonica.

Half decent streamer needed for me too, althought probably not in your price bracket. Then decent headphones and I'm done. The end.

Does CCA plugged into HA1 make a great streamer?


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I think I was expecting a little too much from it, despite it only costing £30. It is and always was temporary. When up and running I can't really complain about the sound quality but the drop outs are far too frequent. My broadband, can stream Amazon Prime 4K content without issue yet the Chromecast Audio drops out way too often. I use the 2player Android app to control things via my phone and it's ok.

The thing is I had the Yamaha WXC-50 and whilst all things considered it's a relatively cheap option for many, I really liked it. Musiccast was a dream to use, accessing my NAS a breeze. It coped well with my DSD albums of which I have a lot. My only complaint re the Yamaha was the bluetooth dropouts (an option I hardly employed) and it blowing a gasket meaning we eventually parted company. I need another solution. although may be tempted back to the Yam... I've already owned the Pioneer N-50 and was thoroughly disappointed by the support firmware upgrades and (then) p*ss poor control app.

I don't know much at all about Raspberry P1 3 or if there's a 4, but I'd love one that could cover the streamer base and run Rune audio. I'm still finding my feet re Dirac Live, the Raspberry Pi will be the next thing I look into. Ideally I'd like one pre-built if possible...


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I see. Dropouts totally spoil the listening experience. I looked into raspberry pi recently and it looks doable, but my Raumfeld Connector works so well I'd only be fixing something that isn't broken.

Hope your enjoying the Oppo


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I've not heard it but the reviews have been lukewarm. I think people were expecting big things from the 9038 but generally I think DAC performance has pretty much peaked.


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luckylion100 said:
I think I was expecting a little too much from it, despite it only costing £30. It is and always was temporary. When up and running I can't really complain about the sound quality but the drop outs are far too frequent. My broadband, can stream Amazon Prime 4K content without issue yet the Chromecast Audio drops out way too often. I use the 2player Android app to control things via my phone and it's ok.

That's a pain with the CCA, isn't it? I bought one to get the (first gen) Zeppelin in my office back up-to-date. But the CCA can't properly grasp the wifi signal apparently, though my iPhone says the signal is fine (and plays Spotify without issues). With the CCA, it's not drop-outs anymore, it's more like morse code...


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DocG wrote "With the CCA, it's not drop-outs anymore, it's more like morse code..." Bang on, amde me laugh though.

When I have the CCA on, whatever's going on with my phone, every text, every notification you can be sure that the CCA will let me know about it... I really have to question, is this item fit for purpose. If it cost more than 30 quid I'd be demanding a refund.


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DocG said:
luckylion100 said:
I think I was expecting a little too much from it, despite it only costing £30. It is and always was temporary. When up and running I can't really complain about the sound quality but the drop outs are far too frequent. My broadband, can stream Amazon Prime 4K content without issue yet the Chromecast Audio drops out way too often. I use the 2player Android app to control things via my phone and it's ok.

That's a pain with the CCA, isn't it? I bought one to get the (first gen) Zeppelin in my office back up-to-date. But the CCA can't properly grasp the wifi signal apparently, though my iPhone says the signal is fine (and plays Spotify without issues). With the CCA, it's not drop-outs anymore, it's more like morse code...

Could be interference from another RF emitting device at the same frequency as the CCA (2.4GHz or 5Ghz). Solution is to use different channels.

Example. My wireless mouse dongle emits signal at 2.4GHz, same as the broadband router upstairs. So when I use the internet on my PC, the whole system lags, not just the mouse cursor. The solution was to set my PC wifi receiver card to a different channel than the mouse dongle.


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I use a Chromecast very frequently pretty much without issue. It used to have problems initially, but my internet connection was very poor. I got fibre recently and no issues.

I know this doesn't help anyone who has issues. I stream flac over bubbleupnp using my amps DAC from the CCA out and my experience is that sound quality is excellent


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luckylion100 said:
muljao said:
I see. Dropouts totally spoil the listening experience. I looked into raspberry pi recently and it looks doable, but my Raumfeld Connector works so well I'd only be fixing something that isn't broken.

Hope your enjoying the Oppo

Happy enough with it now. One of the best moments was when my 15 yeat old daughter was hooked into it listening to some of her music on her AKG550's. She couldn't contain her delight and utter shock that she was hearing things for the first time on tracks she knew intimately well.  I commented, "Can you now see why I spend my money on all this gear and how much of the music most people miss out on?" She got it.

The Oppo's a very solid performer, will probably outlast me and on cold winter nights will certainly keep me warm and keep the heating costs down! I've raised it up, it now has its own custom feet. I may have to post a picture. Someone said it resembles a woman that's just seen a mouse run across the kitchen floor and lifted her skirt in sheer terror. ;-) The guy at Oppo did say to me quite a few of their customers (especially in Germany for some reason) raise theirs. So I thought why not...

Soundwise through the DM10's absolutely no complaints, I'm rubbish at describing the sound charactistics of equipment and am very aware after reading lots of threads here of expectation biase. To confuse issues though I've now added another new aspect to the chain, the minidspDRRC-24. There's no expectation biase there, it blow me away from the go! All I can say is that as a package I'm very happy other than streaming issues that will be solved in time. I just need some much better headphones, the AKG Q701's aren't up to the task, nor to my taste coupled with the Oppo.
That's fantastic, well worth the money if you (and your daughter) are enjoying it so much


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muljao said:
I see. Dropouts totally spoil the listening experience. I looked into raspberry pi recently and it looks doable, but my Raumfeld Connector works so well I'd only be fixing something that isn't broken.

Hope your enjoying the Oppo

Happy enough with it now. One of the best moments was when my 15 yeat old daughter was hooked into it listening to some of her music on her AKG550's. She couldn't contain her delight and utter shock that she was hearing things for the first time on tracks she knew intimately well. I commented, "Can you now see why I spend my money on all this gear and how much of the music most people miss out on?" She got it.

The Oppo's a very solid performer, will probably outlast me and on cold winter nights will certainly keep me warm and keep the heating costs down! I've raised it up, it now has its own custom feet. I may have to post a picture. Someone said it resembles a woman that's just seen a mouse run across the kitchen floor and lifted her skirt in sheer terror. ;-) The guy at Oppo did say to me quite a few of their customers (especially in Germany for some reason) raise theirs. So I thought why not...

Soundwise through the DM10's absolutely no complaints, I'm rubbish at describing the sound charactistics of equipment and am very aware after reading lots of threads here of expectation biase. To confuse issues further I've now added another new aspect to the chain, the minidspDDRC-24. There's no expectation biase there, it blow me away from the go! All I can say is that as a package I'm very happy other than streaming issues that will be solved in time. I just need some much better headphones, the AKG Q701's aren't up to the task, nor to my taste coupled with the Oppo.


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luckylion100 said:
If it cost more than 30 quid I'd be demanding a refund.
Paid £20 for mine and it went back after one dreadful evening. Granted the wifi can be sketchy in my house. The device would be very good if they allowed for adding an external WiFi antenna.

Yamaha was generally fine but would sometimes have problems with Airplay and NAS streaming. Spent £8 on an antenna upgrade and it's perfect and super quick.


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with its skirt raised. ;-)



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insider9 said:
luckylion100 said:
If it cost more than 30 quid I'd be demanding a refund.
Paid £20 for mine and it went back after one dreadful evening. Granted the wifi can be sketchy in my house. The device would be very good if they allowed for adding an external WiFi antenna.

Yamaha was generally fine but would sometimes have problems with Airplay and NAS streaming. Spent £8 on an antenna upgrade and it's perfect and super quick.

Perhaps mistakenly I believed they were well regarded...

The antenna upgrade was a clever idea, didn't think of that.


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Vladimir said:
Could be interference from another RF emitting device at the same frequency as the CCA (2.4GHz or 5Ghz). Solution is to use different channels.

Yes, could well be...

Now, I don't know how to change the channels for my wireless keyboard and mouse, if that's at all possible. And I'm afraid the IT-department won't be willing to change the hospital wifi for me...